首页 > 分享 > 互花米草入侵对红树林底栖甲壳动物和鱼类功能群及生态位的影响


摘要: 为了解互花米草入侵对红树林湿地生态系统底栖甲壳动物和鱼类的影响,本研究利用地笼方式于2020年8月、2021年1月和4月对福建漳江口2个原生红树林样地(白骨壤和秋茄)、2个互花米草入侵样地以及1个光滩样地的底栖甲壳动物和鱼类进行采样调查。采用相对重要性指数、Shannon多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef丰富度指数分析底栖甲壳动物和鱼类的优势种及物种多样性,统计其功能群,并计算其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指数。结果表明: 3个季节共采集到底栖甲壳动物和鱼类种类37种,隶属于2门2纲8目17科,其中大多数为暖水性和广盐性物种,且以肉食性和杂食性功能群为主。双因素方差分析和非度量多维尺度分析结果表明,相比光滩,互花米草入侵后,底栖甲壳动物和鱼类的群落多样性指数变化不显著,但功能群发生了显著变化,浮游生物食性功能群以及肉食性和植食性功能群物种均有一定程度的增加。相比红树林样地,互花米草样地内底栖甲壳动物和鱼类物种丰富度更高。优势物种的时空生态位宽度变化范围在0~1.4186,其中棱鮻最高(1.4186),其次是中华乌塘鳢(1.0168)、刀额新对虾(0.9469)、脊尾白虾(0.8922)。

关键词: 互花米草, 底栖甲壳动物和鱼类, 功能群, 生态位, 红树林, 漳江口

Abstract: To investigate the effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on mangrove wetland ecosystem, the benthic crustacean and fish samples were collected using cage nets in Zhangjiang Estuary Mangrove Wetland, Fujian Pro-vince in August 2020, January and April 2021. The five sampling sites included two mangroves (Avicennia marina and Kandelia obovata) sites, two S. alterniflora sites, and one mudflat site. The abundance, biomass, index of relative importance (IRI), Shannon diversity index (H), Pielou evenness index (J), and Margalef richness index (D) were used to quantify the dominant species and species diversity of benthic crustaceans and fishes. The functional groups and niche of dominant species were also analyzed. A total of 37 species, from 2 phyla, 2 classes, 8 orders, and 17 families, were identified across the three seasons. Most of them were warm-water and euryhaline species, mainly carnivorous and omnivorous functional groups. The results of two-way analysis of variance and NMDS showed that the community diversity index of benthic crustacean and fish did not change significantly after the invasion of S. alterniflora compared with mudflat. Functional groups had changed significantly, with the species number of plankton functional groups, carnivorous and phytophagous functional groups being increased. Compared with mangrove sites, the number of species of benthic crustacean and fish in S. alterniflora sites was significantly increased. The spatio-temporal niche breadth of dominant species ranged from 0 to 1.4186, with Liza carinata (1.4186), Bostrychus sinensis (1.0168), Metapenaeus ensis (0.9469) and Exopalaemon carinicauda (0.8922) as the top four species.

Key words: Spartina alterniflora, benthic crustacean and fish, functional group, ecological niche, mangrove, Zhangjiang Estuary



网址: 互花米草入侵对红树林底栖甲壳动物和鱼类功能群及生态位的影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview850989.html

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