这份报告是美国花园传媒集团 Garden Media Group根据美国市场所做的报告。网站提供了报告目录。
Garden Media的趋势观察团队近20年来一直关注着花园发展趋势的脉搏:
2001: The New Living Room 新客厅
2002: Decorating with Containers 用容器装饰
2006: Grow You Own Food 种植你自己的食物
2008: Gardening for Pollinators 授粉者的园艺
2011: Succulents 多肉植物
2015: Millennial Gardener 千禧年园丁
2018: Self-Care and Mental Wellness 自我护理和心理健康
01 Cities of the Future 未来城市
02 Circular Economy 循环经济
03 Green Collar Jobs 绿领工作
04 Endangered Soil 濒危土壤
05 Thinking Outside the House 走进室外的思考
06 The Frog Whisperer 青蛙低语
07 Not Just Some Fungi 不仅仅是真菌
08 Indigo 靛蓝
01 Cities of the Future 未来城市
More than 50% the world lives in cities. 超过50%的人口将生活在城市中。
Urbanization improves life, from better education to more employment. 从更好的教育到更多的就业机会,城市化改善了生活。
While cultures are “connected 24/7”, there is a new ethos emerging. 当文化成为“全天候连接”时,一种新的风气正在出现。
People are longing for nature. 人们渴望大自然。
TranquiL plant-filled environments for business and pleasure are a necessity. 宁静的充满植物的商务和娱乐环境是必不可少的。
As the world continues to urbanize, sustainability is key to managing growth. 随着世界继续城市化,可持续性是管理增长的关键。
• Central Recreational Districts (CRD) are the new Central Business Districts (CBD.) 中央休闲区(CRD)是新的中央商务区(CBD)。
• CRD results in 16% higher housing prices, 10% growth in population and jobs, and attracts 3% more college graduates. CRD导致了16%的房价上涨,10%的人口和就业增长,并吸引了3%以上的大学毕业生。
• They are urban areas to escape the hustle of the city, with parks, historic places, landmarks, and tourist destinations. 它们是逃避城市喧嚣的城区,有公园、历史名胜、地标和旅游目的地。
• The area attracts younger inhabitants for their a Ins tagram able55 locations and draws people to urban centers. 该地区以其独特的地理位置吸引着年轻居民,吸引着人们来到城市中心。
• Similarly, America In Bloom (AIB) just launched a new self-assessment program, Growing Vibrant Communities (GVC). It measures a communitys commitment and progress in vitality, flowers, landscapes, urban forestry, environmental efforts, heritage and overall impression. 同样,America In Bloom(AIB)刚刚推出了一个新的自我评估计划,即“成长中的充满活力的社区”(GVC)。它衡量一个社区在活力、花卉、景观、城市林业、环境努力、遗产和整体印象方面的承诺和进展。
• “Green infrastructure and horticulture combine to create desirable cities in which to live. 绿色基础设施和园艺相结合,创造出理想的居住城市。
• Pretty but functional cities need billions of plants, especially natives. 美丽且功能齐全的城市需要数十亿植物,尤其是当地植物。
• We need to know how to propagate, grow and maintain them in an urbanized environment. Not every plant will work. 我们需要知道如何在城市化的环境中繁殖、生长和维护它们。不是所有的植物都能正常生长。
• We need an army of ecological landscape practitioners steeped in horticulture and ecological land stewardship. And, they need to be valued, demanded (or mandated) and supported in their work.” 我们需要一支从事园艺和生态土地管理的生态园林实践者队伍。而且他们的工作需要得到重视、授权和支持。”
-Debbie Hamrick, Director of Specialty, Crops, NC Farm Bureau Federation 北卡罗来纳州农业局联合会,农作物专业主管Debbie Hamrick。
• Trees everywhere are important, especially within the green infrastructure of future cities. 世界各地的树木都很重要,特别是在未来城市的绿色基础设施中。
• Trees are a best management strategy for controlling stormwater runoff urban heat island mitigation, and reducing air pollution. 树木是控制雨水径流、缓解城市热岛和减少空气污染的最佳管理策略。
• Well-placed and managed trees sequester carbon and reduce energy consumption by shading buildings in the summer and reducing wind in the winter. 妥善安置和管理树木,通过在夏季给建筑物遮荫和在冬季减少风力来吸收碳和减少能源消耗。
• According to Jim Zwack at Davey Tree, creating a well-canopied city is a cost- efifective strategy to improving communities5 health, resiliency and economy. 创建一个覆盖良好的城市是改善社区健康、恢复力和经济的低成本有效策略。
• Architects, designers, urban planners and politicians are forced to reimagine how green environments are designed in cities. 建筑师、设计师、城市规划师和政治家被迫重新思考城市中的绿色环境应该是如何设计的。
• These leaders need to be influenced by people who know what they are doing. 这些领导人需要知道自己在做什么。
• Regulation will frame changes to highway buffer zones, urban forestry, green roofs, pollinator habitat, community gardens, new parks, and green stormwater. 法规将对公路缓冲区、城市林业、绿色屋顶、授粉者栖息地、社区花园、新公园和绿色雨水进行调整。
• Green businesses are the ambassadors of change by educating people and decision makers about doing their part. 绿色企业是变革的使者,教育人们和决策者尽自己的职责。
02 Circular Economy 循环经济
ENVISION OUR CITIES AS CIRCULAR.把我们的城市想象成圆形。绿色。循环经济以自然为模板,借助绿色基础设施,我们可以创造新的商业模式。
• Many remember the days when things were made to last, items were mended, and fashions lasted longer than a season. 许多人还记得,那些日子里,东西是为了经久耐用而制造的,物品是经过修补的,时装的使用寿命超过一个季节。
• Now society is consumptive. Just 9% of materials consumed globally are re-used. 现在社会是消费性的。全球消耗的材料中只有9%是再利用的。
• Global consumption tripled since 1970. 全球消费自1970年以来增长了两倍。
• 67% of global greenhouse gas emissions are related to material management. 全球67%的温室气体排放与材料管理有关。
• A circular economy minimizes waste and makes the most of resources. It replaces the end-of^life concept with restoration. 循环经济尽量减少浪费,充分利用资源。它用修复取代了生命终结的概念。
• According to Accenture, it could generate $4.5 trillion in new output by 2030. 按照Accenture的说法,到2030年循环经济将创造4.5万亿美元的新产出。
• At the GreenBiz Circularity conference in June, Googles Chief Sustainability Ofificer unveiled a plan for a circular Google. 在6月份的绿色循环商业大会上,谷歌首席可持续发展官公布了一项循环谷歌计划。
• In July, MIT’s Solve called for innovative ideas to shift from frequent purchasing to recycled or biodegradable products. 7月,麻省理工学院的解决方案呼吁创新理念,从频繁购买转向回收或生物降解产品。
• There are companies selling products, from nut butters and spices to soap and mouthwash, in reusable containers. 有些公司在可重复使用的容器中销售产品,从坚果黄油和香料到肥皂和漱口水。
• Big companies such as GM, Annies and Unilever are getting on the circular bandwagon and mindful of the opportunities. Unilevers sustainable brands grew 46% faster than the rest of the business in 2018. 通用汽车、安妮斯和联合利华等大公司正在紧跟潮流,并注意到机遇。联合利华可持续品牌在2018年的增长速度比其他业务快46%。
• The circular economy does more with less. And as leaders in our industry, we have a responsibility to act sustainably. 循环经济用更少的钱做更多的事。作为行业的领导者,有责任采取可持续的行动。
• Its about ensuring our products, where possible, have a second life. When that is not possible, theyre taken apart so we can re-use the components. 尽可能确保产品具有第二生命。如果不可能的话,就把它们拆开,这样我们就可以重复使用这些部件了。
• What do you sell that is renewable, repairable, reusable and recyclable? 您销售的是可再生、可修复、可重复使用和可回收的产品吗?
• “Our pots get used up to 5x before they are discarded. We wash and sanitize them before each use. Grady Roscoe, Wind In The Willows Nursery, SC “我们的罐子在被丢弃之前会被使用多达5倍,每次使用前我们都要清洗消毒”。格雷迪·罗斯科,南卡罗来纳州柳树苗圃
• The goal is to deliver customer value with minimal waste. 目标是以最少的浪费实现客户价值。
03 Green Collar Jobs 绿领工作
Creates trends in green industries, such as greater energy efficiency and resource sustainability. 建立绿色产业趋势,例如提高能源效率和资源可持续性。
• Gardening is as popular as ever. According to EuroMonitor, U.S. gardening grew 6% in 2018, to reach $40.2 billion. 园艺和以往一样受欢迎。据《欧洲监测》报道,2018年美国园艺业增长6%,达到402亿美元。
• Gardening is expected to reach $49.3 billion by 2023; we will need more labor. 到2023年,园艺业产值预计将达到493亿美元;我们将需要更多的劳动力。
• There are double the jobs available than students to fill them. Jobs in horticulture outnumber graduates 2 to 1. 提供的工作机会比毕业学生多出一倍。园艺专业的毕业生人数是2比1。
• Seed Your Future research shows kids are familiar with and excited by pollinators, plants and growing food 一 but none of them had heard the term “horticulture”. “展望你的未来”表明,孩子们对授粉、植物和生长的食物既熟悉又兴奋,但他们都没有听说过“园艺”这个词
• The passion is there, but when its time to pick a major, plants are not considered a career. 激情是存在的,但当选择专业的时候,植物不被视为职业。
• Education diversity is key. While jobs exist that require much academic study, there is demand for green jobs that require less college education. 教育的多样性是关键。 尽管存在需要大量学术研究的工作,但对绿色工作的需求却需要较少的大学学历。
• With the rising cost of college, enrollment is expected to dip 15% by 2025. 随着大学费用的上升,预计到2025年入学率将下降15%。
• Careers in urban agriculture, environmental sustainability or garden installation, for example, may only need an associate degree or vocational program to launch a fruitful career. 例如,在城市农业、环境可持续性或园林设施方面的职业生涯,可能只需要一个非正式的学位或职业计划就可以开始富有成效的职业生涯。
• And that can include on-the-job training. 这可以包括在职培训。
• From horticultural therapy to plant blogger, new jobs range from full-on careers to seasonal opportunities. 从园艺治疗到植物博主,新的工作范围从全职工作到季节性的机会。
• Booming hydroponic and aquaponic industries create demand for new, cleaner data-driven jobs. 蓬勃发展的水培和水培工业创造了对新的、更清洁的、数据驱动工作的需求。
• Baby Boomers are looking for even more services in the garden, from vacation watering to plant whispering. 婴儿潮一代正在花园里寻找更多的服务,从度假浇水到植物照料。
• Changing perceptions happens as the industry grows. 随着行业的发展,人们的观念也在发生变化。
04 Endangered Soil 濒危土壤
WE NEED A NEW Soil Operating System. Soil is our great green hope… 我们需要一个新的土壤操作系统。土壤是我们伟大绿色的希望。
• Prior to the 20th century soil was healthy and organically dense. Food was rich in vitamins and minerals. 在20世纪之前,土壤是健康的,含有丰富的有机质。食物富含维生素和矿物质。
• Erosion and deforestation have washed away 1/3 of the worlds topsoil. And soil has been stripped of nutrients. 侵蚀和森林砍伐已经冲走了世界上1/3的表土。现有的土壤也被剥夺了养分。
• Today, crops are developed for increased yield, not nutritional value. 今天,作物的发展是为了提高产量,而不是营养价值。
• If current trends continue, soil as we know it – or more importantly, as we need it – will be gone by 2050, according to The United Nations Food & Agricultural Organization. 根据联合国粮食及农业组织,如果目前的趋势继续下去,我们所知道的土壤—或者更重要的是,我们所需要的土壤—将在2050年消失。
• Changes in farming, forestry and gardening could not only mitigate carbon, but actually reverse it. 农业、林业和园艺业的变革不仅可以减少碳排放,而且实际上可以逆转碳排放。
• Regenerative practices aim to rebuild soil organic matter, restore degraded soil, sequester carbon and reduce runoff. 再生措施旨在重建土壤有机质、恢复退化土壤、隔离碳通道和减少径流。
• A shift from extractive to restorative could remove 1 ton of CO2 from the atmosphere for every acre, says Rodale. Rodale说,从采集性到恢复性的转变可以每英亩从大气中去除1吨二氧化碳。
• The U.S. has 915 million acres of farmland and 135+ million acres of residential land. 美国有9.15亿英亩的农田和1.35亿英亩以上的住宅用地。
• Practices such as composting, no-tilling and pasture cropping enable us to return to native soil, conserve wildlife and more. 堆肥、免耕和牧场种植等做法使我们能够返回土壤本源、保护野生动物等。
• Organic is not enough. Or that is the thinking behind the certification launched at the Natural Products Expo show in June. 有机并不足够。或者说,这就是6月份在自然产品博览会上推出的认证背后的想法。
• The ROC adds soil health, fair trade and animal welfare to organic practices. 再生有机认证将土壤健康、公平贸易和动物福利纳入有机做法。
• It comes as people care about sustainability more than ever, according to Nielsen. Half of U.S. consumers would buy a brand if it was committed to the environment. People will spend up to $150 billion on sustainable products by 2021. 人们比以往任何时候都更关心可持续性。如果一个品牌致力于环保,一半的美国消费者会购买它。到2021年,人们将在可持续产品上花费高达1500亿美元。
• Pilots include Patagonia, Dr. Bronnefs and General Mills. The latter committed to regenerate 1 million acres by 2030 and fund farm trainings. 这方面的领导者包括Patagonia、布朗尼夫斯博士和General Mills。后者承诺到2030年再生100万英亩土地,并资助农场培训。
• Whether planting broccoli or begonias, its important to garden organically. 无论是种植西兰花还是秋海棠,都是有机园林的重要组成部分。
• Reduce waste by composting and create a probiotic for your soil. Composting reduces household waste by almost 40%! 通过堆肥减少废物,为土壤创造益生菌。堆肥可以减少近40%的生活垃圾!
• Test soil. Replenish with organic fertilizers, such as Espoma Organic. 测试土壤。补充有机肥料,如Espoma有机肥。
• Till with worms and biochar. 使用蠕虫和生物质。
• Grow green manures, cover and pulse crops such as buckwheat, beans, lentils and clover. They do double duty – enriching garden nutrients while controlling weeds. 种植绿肥、地被和豆类作物,如荞麦、豆类、扁豆和三叶草。它们在控制杂草的同时,还可以双重增加花园的养分。
05 Thinking Outside the House 走进室外的思考
Houseplants are having a moment. And we do not see this trend going anywhere soon. In fact, we see it as a way for people to connect with each other outside of the house… 室内植物正在发展。我们认为这种趋势不会很快出现。事实上,我们把它看作是人们和室外自然环境互相联系的一种方式。。。
• Plants clean the air, reduce stress, bring life to a room, enhance creativity and connect you with nature. 植物可以净化空气,减轻压力,给房间带来活力,增强创造力,让你与大自然联系在一起。
• And the obsession with houseplants continues to grow 一 10% in 2018 in the U.S., according to Euromonitor. 据欧睿公司(Euromonitor)称,2018年,美国对室内植物的痴迷持续增长,增幅为10%。
• As younger generations find themselves with less space, time and money, they are turning to indoor plants for the benefits. 随着年轻一代发现自己的空间、时间和金钱越来越少,他们开始转向室内植物来获取利益。
• Plant Parents are so tuned in to greenery, stores are selling out of Millennials favorite houseplants. The category is seeing greater percentage growth than shrubs, trees and perennials. 植物爱好者对观叶植物非常关注,商店正在出售千禧年最受欢迎的室内植物。这类植物的生长率高于灌木、乔木和多年生植物。
• According to Euromonitor, the largest proportion of plants sold are succulents. They are easy to grow and personalize. Tall indoor plants are also popular. 根据欧洲监测Euromonitor的数据,出售的植物中,多肉植物所占比例最大。它们很容易种植和个性化定制。高大的室内植物也很受欢迎。
• Growlt!, with 50% of users under 35, says echeveria was the most popular plant with users in March 2019. Indoor aloe came in second. 种植!,有50%的用户在35岁以下,石莲花属是2019年3月最受用户欢迎的植物。室内芦荟排在第二位。
• Costa Farms says succulents continue to grow in popularity, but the biggest trend is decorating with houseplants. 科斯塔农场表示,多肉植物继续流行,但最大的趋势是用室内植物装饰。
• #PlantParenthood and #HouseplantClub reveal Instagram’s most popular plants include monstera, string of dolphins, pilea and echeveria. “植物亲子关系”和“室内植物俱乐部”揭示了在Instagram上最受欢迎的植物包括monstera龟背竹、String of Dolphins千里光属、pilea冷水花属和echeveria石莲花属。
室内植物101 HOUSEPLANTS 101
• Increased consumer education on plant care and the importance of soil products helped drive growth in 2018. 增加对植物护理和土壤产品重要性的消费者教育,进一步推动2018年的增长。
• Enter opportunity: continued education will drive more growth in the future. 进入机会:继续教育将在未来推动更多的增长。
• Green industry players who educate, win. 绿色产业参与者的教育和竞赛。
• Create opportunities for Plant Parents to attend educational events while encouraging them to snap photos and post to social media. 为植物爱好者提供参加教育活动的机会,同时鼓励他们拍摄照片并张贴到社交媒体上。
• Unique selections are key to standing out from the pack. People are looking for something special and to connect. 独特的选择是脱颖而出的关键。人们正在寻找一些特别的东西并联系起来。
• Meet & Greets with Plantfluencers allow people to network with their favorite Insta- celebrity or find other plant buddies. Plantfluencers的Meet & Greets活动让人们可以与他们最喜欢的INSTA名人建立联系,或寻找其他植物伙伴。
• Pub crawls or plant swaps, like Homestead Brooklyns or Bloom and Grow Radio’s, help local businesses attract and retain customers. 串酒吧或植物交换活动,如布鲁克林农庄或花卉种植电台,帮助当地企业吸引和留住客户。
• These events draw in a diverse group of mostly young women with a variety of experiences – people with large yards to those gardening on fire escapes – connecting over plants and sharing knowledge. 这些活动吸引了一个以年轻女性为主的多元化群体,她们有着各种各样的经历——从拥有大院的人到在消防梯上种植园艺的人——通过植物相互联系,分享知识。
• With affinity groups including plants in their meet ups, this is an opportunity to attract a new audience to stores or brands. 有了爱好者群体,包括在见面会上的植物,这是吸引新观众到商店或认识品牌的机会。
06 The Frog Whisperer 青蛙低语
A garden filled with amphibians indicates balance and a healthy ecosystem. The absence may indicate problems…一个满是两栖动物的花园表明了平衡和健康的生态系统,如果没有的话可能意味着问题。
• Does your garden seem too quiet? Silence in nature is not a good sign. 你的花园看起来太安静了吗?自然界的沉默不是一个好兆头。
• Frogs and toads play an important part in ecosystems as well as our backyards. 青蛙和蟾蜍在生态系统以及我们的庭院中发挥着重要作用。
• Frogs and toads are an effective, natural form of pest control. 青蛙和蟾蜍是一种有效的自然害虫防治形式。
• Leslie Halleck says its our responsibility to create frog-friendly backyards, as it benefits us as much as it does the frogs. Leslie Halleck说,我们有责任创造青蛙友好的庭院,因为这对我们和青蛙一样有益。
• Mosquitoes, slugs and plant-damaging beetles fall victim to these amphibian predators. 蚊子、蛞蝓和破坏植物的甲虫成为这些两栖食肉动物的食物。
• Amphibians, such as frogs and toads5 are going extinct at an alarming rate. 两栖动物,如青蛙和蟾蜍正在以惊人的速度灭绝。
• According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1 in 3 of all amphibians are red listed as endangered. 根据国际自然保护联盟的说法,三分之一的两栖动物被列为濒危物种。
• FrogWatch USA and the National Wildlife Federation say habitat destruction is a contributor to wildlife decline, as are pesticide use, pollution, invasive species, increased UV radiation, climate change and over-collection of food by humans. FrogWatch USA和国家野生动物联合会说,栖息地的破坏是野生动物数量减少的一个原因,杀虫剂的使用、污染、入侵物种、紫外线辐射的增加、气候变化以及人类对食物的过度收集也是原因之一。
• We arent exactly making it easy for amphibians to thrive. 我们并没有让两栖动物更容易繁衍生息。
• Go Natural. Water is the best frog attractor. This should be a fishless body of water that is shallow and sloping. 自然。水是最好的青蛙吸引物。这应该是一个浅而倾斜的无鱼水体。
• Leave it to nature, meaning dont clean it or add chemicals. Let debris fall in as it enables frog food sources – bugs – to breed. 让它更自然,意味着不要清洁它或添加化学品。让垃圾掉进去,因为它能让青蛙的食物来源—虫子—繁殖。
• Minimize disturbance. Keep an eye on pets who can be destructive to wildlife and may eat frogs and toads. 尽量减少干扰。注意那些对野生动物有破坏性并且可能吃青蛙和蟾蜍的宠物。
• Frogs and toads prefer still-water, as opposed to pumps and waterfalls. 青蛙和蟾蜍更喜欢静水,而不是水泵和瀑布。
• Toad houses also protect and encourage them to move in. 蟾蜍小屋也有助于保护和为它们提供住所。
• Create cover. Plant native ferns, swamp milkweed, Joe pye weed and veronica for cover on land when young are exiting water. 建立地被植物覆盖。当幼体离开水面时,需要在陆地上种植有本地蕨类植物、沼泽马利筋、泽兰和婆婆纳。
• Choose marginal plants to hide animals entering and exiting the water like iris versicolor, Chelone5 lobelia, sedges. 选择边缘植物来隐藏进出水中的动物,如鸢尾、雪莲、半边莲、莎草。
• Submerge plants like water lilies, broad leaf arrowhead or pickerelweed to oxygenate water and provide cover from above. 将睡莲、宽叶慈姑或梭鱼草等植物浸入水中,使水充满氧气,并从上方覆盖。
• Keep it native. Dont introduce non-native species. Its illegal and they can be invasive and destructive. Take the “if you build it, they will come” approach. Provide the above and over time, local amphibians will find you. 保持原汁原味。不要引进非本地物种。这是危险的,它们可能具有侵略性和破坏性。采取“如果你建了它,他们会来”的方法。提供上述服务,随着时间的推移,当地两栖动物会找到你。
07 Not Just Some Fungi 不仅仅是真菌
Mushrooms are one of the most healthpromoting superfbods that exist. And they are not just good for us, they are also good for the planet…蘑菇是现存的最能促进健康的超级细菌之一。它们不仅对我们有好处,对地球也有好处。
• Mushrooms can potentially solve some of our most pressing world problems, according to world-renowned mycologist Paul Stamets. 世界著名的真菌学家保罗·斯塔梅茨(Paul Stamets)表示,蘑菇可能解决一些最紧迫的世界问题。
• From helping to clean up oil spills and absorbing pollution to fighting off smallpox and flu viruses, mushrooms are natures recycling system. 从帮助清理漏油和吸收污染到抗击天花和流感病毒,蘑菇是自然的循环系统。
• If they didnt exist, plants wouldnt either because mushrooms break down organic matter and create rich soil. 如果它们不存在,植物也不会存在,因为蘑菇会分解有机物,创造肥沃的土壤。
• Management and elimination of plastic is a great challenge we face. 管理和消除塑料是我们面临的一个巨大挑战。
• Discovered in 2012 by Yale students, Pestalotiopsis microspora is a mushroom from the Amazon that loves to eat plastic. 2012年耶鲁大学学生发现,亚马逊地区的Pestalotiopsis microspora蘑菇,喜欢吃塑料。
• It also lives without oxygen – meaning it could clean landfills from the bottom up. 它可以在没有氧气的情况下生存—这意味着它可以自下而上清理垃圾填埋场。
• Katharina Unger at Utrecht University in the Netherlands found other mushrooms ate plastic, too5 and tasted good afterwards. 荷兰乌得勒支大学的凯瑟琳·恩格尔发现蘑菇吃的是塑料之后味道很好。
• If the natural rate of decomposition can be reduced from 400 years to a few months, these fungi could be part of a solution in a world filled with plastic yet scarce on food. 如果自然分解速度能从400年减少到几个月,这些真菌可能成为充满塑料但缺乏食物的世界的解决方案的一部分。
• Edible mushrooms have a positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition, too. 食用蘑菇除了基本营养外,对健康也有积极影响。
• Mushrooms are useful in preventing and treating 200+ conditions and have 100+ different beneficial effects on the body. 蘑菇有助于预防和治疗200多种疾病,对身体有100多种不同的有益作用。
• They boost immune system health and longevity, improve digestion and reduce weight. 促进免疫系统健康和长寿,改善消化和减轻体重。
• Offer mushroom-based products, from teas to powders. Inoculated logs are easy to grow and popular. 提供蘑菇类产品,从茶到粉。接种的原木容易生长和获得。
• Workshops teach people how to grow and about the benefits. 研讨会教会人们如何种植和获益。
08 Indigo 靛蓝
From the soft hue of a summer sky to colors dark as the deep sea indigo is this season’s sweetest shade of blue. 从夏日天空的柔和色调到深蓝色,就像深海靛蓝是这一季最甜美的蓝色。
• With its calming effect, indigo has been used to dye clothes naturally for thousands of years. 靛蓝具有镇静作用,几千年来一直被用于自然染色。
• But natural indigo has been abandoned. 但天然靛蓝已被废弃。
• Its in less than 1% of clothes on the market. Clothes today are dyed using petroleum or coal. 市场上只有不到1%的服装使用靛蓝,今天的衣服是用石油或煤染色的。
• New initiatives have people asking – Jeans may be the worlds most beloved fabric, so denim manufacturers are innovating to produce it sustainably. 新的举措让人们开始质疑—牛仔裤可能是世界上最受欢迎的面料,因此牛仔制造商正在创新,以可持续的方式生产牛仔裤。
• Blue plants are always the most sought after hue in the garden. From hydrangeas to salvia, place blue plants at the forefront of stores. 蓝色植物总是花园里最受欢迎的色调。从绣球花到鼠尾草,蓝色植物放在商店的最前面。
• Merchandise berries in blue hues, like the collection of ornamental edible blueberries from Bushel and Berry. 出售蓝色浆果,如从蒲式耳和浆果中收集的观赏性食用蓝莓。
• Natural dyes are available to buy, as are plants in the indigo hue such as salvia, baptisia australis and the real indigo, Indigofera tinctoria. 可以购买天然染料,也可以购买带有靛蓝色调的植物,如鼠尾草、澳大利亚浸礼草和真正的靛蓝-木蓝。
• Accessorize with indigo pots, pillows and other decor. 在盆、枕头和其他装饰上搭配靛蓝。
• Use indigo in displays, peppered around en masse. 在陈列上使用靛蓝,并在周围均匀撒上胡椒。
• According to the report. Generations on the Move, 74% of people value experiences over things. 根据报告,一代代相传中,74%的人看重经验胜过一切。
• Millennials desire in-person activities and DIY workshops that utilize nature. 千禧一代渴望亲自参与利用自然的活动和DIY研讨会。
• Events build community. 通过活动建立社区。
• The lost art of DIY indigo dying is returning. Shibori – the Japanese technique of creating patterns on fabric – is a trendy workshop for all ages. 失去的DIY靛蓝染色艺术正在回归。Shibori—日本在布料上创造图案的技术—是一个适合所有年龄层的时尚工作室。
• Host a Blues night, complete with a band and blue-themed decor. 举办一个蓝色之夜,配有乐队和蓝色主题装饰。