首页 > 分享 > 养殖海水和淡水鲈鱼的营养组成比较分析


摘要: 为分析大宗养殖海水鲈鱼和淡水鲈鱼的营养组成,有助于后续开发加工,本文对养殖海水鲈鱼(海鲈鱼)和淡水鲈鱼(大口黑鲈)肌肉的常规营养成分、氨基酸组成、脂肪酸组成、无机盐、微量元素和有毒有害物质进行测定和分析比较。结果表明,海水养殖的海鲈鱼营养价值比淡水养殖的大口黑鲈高,其蛋白质含量显著比大口黑鲈高(p<0.01);两种养殖鲈鱼均含有人体所必需的优质氨基酸,海鲈鱼氨基酸总量显著比大口黑鲈高(p<0.05),且各种氨基酸含量均略高于大口黑鲈,鲜味氨基酸中谷氨酸含量最高,海鲈鱼的肉味更鲜甜。海鲈鱼肌肉脂肪含量与大口黑鲈相近,但内脏脂肪含量显著比大口黑鲈高(p<0.01)。海鲈鱼肌肉中不饱和脂肪酸含量显著比大口黑鲈高(p<0.01),但二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量均低于大口黑鲈(p<0.01),大口黑鲈是人体补充EPA和DHA的优质食用鱼类。鲈鱼的矿物元素含量均很丰富,特别是富含钙和微量元素锌,而养殖海水鲈鱼在无机盐和微量元素含量方面均优于淡水鲈鱼。 

关键词: 养殖鲈鱼  /  海鲈鱼  /  大口黑鲈  /  营养成分  /  比较  

Abstract: In order to verify the nutritional characteristics of cultured sea bass and fresh- water bass and contribute to the subsequent development and processing,the nutrient compositions of muscles,amino acid,fatty acid,trace elements,toxic or harmful substances were analyzed by generic methods in this paper.The results showed that the cultured( Lateolabrax japonicas) sea bass had higher nutritional value.The protein content of the cultured sea bass was higher than the cultured( Micropterus salmoides) fresh- water bass( p < 0.01) and the total contents of amino acids were higher than the cultured fresh- water bass( p < 0.05) which were essential for human body.The all kinds of amino acids in the cultured sea bass were higher than the cultured fresh- water bass slightly. The highest glutamate was observed in the total contents of delicious amino acids which indicated that the meat of cultured sea bass was more delicious.The cultured sea bass was similar to the cultured fresh- water bass in the lipid content but the content was higher than the cultured fresh- water bass in the viscera( p < 0.01). The total contents of unsaturated fatty acids( UFA) in muscles of cultured sea bass were higher than the cultured fresh- water bass( p <0.01) but the Eicosapentaenoic acid( EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid( DHA) levels were lower than the cultured fresh- water bass( p < 0.01).Therefore,the cultured fresh- water bass was abundant in EPA and DHA which were the necessary supplements to human bodies.The contents of mineral elements in bass were very rich especially in calcium and zinc whereas the cultured sea bass was better than the cultured fresh- water bass in the contents of inorganic salt and trace elements.

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