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(*Co-first author; #Co-corresponding author)

1. Cao MX*, Li SZ*, and Li HJ. (2024). MpMLO1 controls sperm discharge in liverwort. Nature Plants 10: 1027–1038.

2. Meng JG, Li SZ, and Li HJ. (2024). Central cell: the key to determine persistent pollen tube attraction or termination. Science China Life Sciences 67:2030-2032.

3. Xu YJ*, Luo T*, Zhou PM*, Wang WQ, Yang WC, Li HJ. (2024). Pollen-expressed RLCKs control pollen tube burst. Plant Communications 5:100934.

4. Wang WQ*, Meng JG*, Yang F, Xu YJ, Li, SZ, and Li HJ. (2024). A non-defensin peptide NPA1 attracts pollen tube in Arabidopsis. Seed Biology 3: e003.

5. Zhong S*, Zhao P*, Peng X*, Li HJ*, Duan Q*, Cheung AY. (2024). From gametes to zygote: mechanistic advances and emerging possibilities in plant reproduction. Plant Physiology 195:4-35.

7. Wang J, Wang XF, Yang WC#, and Li HJ# (2023) Loss of function of CENH3 causes genome instability in soybean. Seed Biology 2: 24.

8. Li S, Wang J, Jia S, Wang K# and Li HJ# (2023) Synthetic apomixis: from genetic basis to agricultural application. Seed Biology 2: 10.

10. Xue Y*, Meng JG*, Jia PF, Zhang ZR, Li HJ# and Yang WC# (2022) POD1-SUN-CRT3 chaperone complex guards the ER sorting of LRR receptor kinases in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 13: 2703.

11. Xue Y, Jia PF, Li HJ (2022) SUN3/4/5 proteins regulate endoplasmic reticulum tubule formation and luminal spacing in Arabidopsis.  Journal of Genetics and Genomics 50: 370-373.

12. Luo Y, Shi DQ, Jia, PF, Bao Y, Li HJ, Yang WC (2021) Nucleolar histone deacetylases HDT1, HDT2 and HDT3 regulate plant reproductive development. Journal of Genetics and Genomics  49:30-39.

13. Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2020) Central cell in flowering plants: specification, signaling, and evolution. Frontiers Plant Science 11: 590307.

16. Meng JG#, Liang L#, Jia PF, Wang YC, Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2020) Integration of ovular signals and exocytosis of a Ca2+ channel by MLOs in pollen tube guidance. Nature Plants 6: 143-153.

17. Meng JG, Zhang MX, Yang WC#, Li HJ# (2019) TICKET attracts pollen tubes and mediates reproductive isolation between relative species in Brassicaceae. Science China Life Sciences 62: 1413-1419.

18. Shi C, Luo P, Du YT, Chen H, Huang X, Cheng TH, Luo A, Li HJ, Yang WC, Zhao P, Sun MX (2019) Maternal control of suspensor programmed cell death via gibberellin signaling. Nature Communications 10: 3484.

19. Jia PF*, Xue Y*, Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2018) Golgi-localized LOT regulates trans-Golgi network biogenesis and pollen tube growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115: 12307-12312.

20. Li HJ#, Meng JG, Yang WC# (2018) Multilayered signaling pathways for pollen tube growth and guidance. Plant Reproduction 31: 31-41.

21. Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2018) Ligands switch model for pollen-tube integrity and burst. Trends in Plant Science 23: 369-372.

22. Yuan GL, Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2017) The integration of Gβ and MAPK signaling cascade in zygote development. Scientific Reports 7: 8732. 

23. Jia PF, Li HJ, Yang WC (2017) Analysis of peroxisome biogenesis in pollen by confocal microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Methods in Molecular Biology 1669:173-180. Springer.

24. Jia PF, Li HJ, Yang WC (2017) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study histology of pollen and pollen tubes.  Methods in Molecular Biology 1669:181-189. Springer.

25. Wang T, Liang L, Yong X, Jia PF, Chen W, Zhang MX, Wang YC, Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2016) A receptor heteromer mediates the male perception of female attractants in plants. Nature 531: 241-244.

26. Li HJ#, Yang WC# (2016) RLKs orchestrate the signaling in plant male-female interaction.  Science China Life Sciences 59: 867-877.

27. Wang JG, Feng C, Liu HH, Ge FR, Li S, Li HJ, Zhang Y (2016) HAPLESS13-mediated trafficking of STRUBBELIG is critical for ovule development in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics 12: e1006269.

28. Yu TY, Shi DQ, Jia PF, Tang J, Li HJ, Liu J, Yang WC (2016). The Arabidopsis receptor kinase ZAR1 is required for zygote asymmetric division and its daughter cell fate. PLoS Genetics 12: 0-e1005933.

29. Wang J*, Li HJ*, Han Z, Zhang H, Wang T, Lin G, Chang J, Yang WC#, Chai J# (2015) Allosteric receptor activation by the plant peptide hormone phytosulfokine. Nature 525: 265-268.

30. Li HJ*, Zhu SS*, Zhang MX*, Wang T, Liang L, Xue Y, Shi DQ, Liu J, Yang WC (2015) Arabidopsis CBP1 is a novel regulator of transcription initiation in central cell-mediated pollen tube guidance. Plant Cell 27: 2880-2893.

31. Yan L, Wei S, Wu Y, Hu R, Li HJ, Yang W, Qi Xie (2015) High efficiency genome editing in Arabidopsis using Yao promoter-driven CRISPR/Cas9 system. Molecular Plant 1823: 1820-1823.

32. Li XR*, Li HJ*, Yuan L*, Liu M, Shi DQ, Liu J, Yang WC (2014) Arabidopsis DAYU/ABERRANT PEROXISOME MORPHOLOGY9 is a key regulator of peroxisome biogenesis and plays critical roles during pollen maturation and germination in planta. Plant Cell 26: 619-635.

33. Li HJ, Yang WC (2012) Emerging role of ER quality control in plant cell signal perception. Protein Cell 3: 10-16.

34. Li HJ, Xue Y, Jia DJ, Wang T, Shi DQ, Liu J, Cui F, Xie Q, Ye D, Yang WC (2011) POD1 regulates pollen tube guidance in response to micropylar female signaling and acts in early embryo patterning in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 3288-3302.

35. Li HJ*, Liu NY*, Shi DQ, Liu J, Yang WC (2010) YAO is a nucleolar WD40-repeat protein critical for embryogenesis and gametogenesis in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology 10: 169.

36. Chen YH, Li HJ, Shi DQ, Yuan L, Liu J, Sreenivasan R, Baskar R, Grossniklaus U, Yang WC (2007) The central cell plays a critical role in pollen tube guidance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19: 3563-3577.


李红 《柠檬花》歌词 李红 《柠檬花》LRC歌词下载
Cell重磅 | 破解百余年来遗留的生物学问题,中科院遗传所李红菊研究组揭示植物受精失败后,如何“自救”以确保繁衍
玄武湖新八景  李红彬
安徽庐江:菊花俏 产业兴
眉山电力人化身“护花使者” 助力乡村“花海经济”

网址: 李红菊 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview1094569.html

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