AO Xiao-lin, PU Biao, CAI Yi-min, CHEN Cen, HU Ai-hua, CHEN An-jun. Screening Lactobacillus to inhibit spoilage microorganism isolated from film-forming pickle[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (14): 234-236. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.14.043
Citation: AO Xiao-lin, PU Biao, CAI Yi-min, CHEN Cen, HU Ai-hua, CHEN An-jun. Screening Lactobacillus to inhibit spoilage microorganism isolated from film-forming pickle[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2014, (14): 234-236. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2014.14.043
1. 四川农业大学食品学院
2. 日本国际农林水产研究中心
作者简介:敖晓琳 (1979-) , 女, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向:食品微生物与生物技术。;
中图分类号: TS255.1
计量 文章访问数: 0134 HTML全文浏览量: 015 PDF下载量: 0388College of Food Science, Sichuan Agricultural University
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
摘要: 从优质泡菜水中分离出的7株乳酸菌用于对引起泡菜生花的4种腐败菌进行抑菌实验,通过牛津杯法、液体培养(产膜、沉淀、液体混浊度),以及乳酸菌的发酵上清液对腐败菌抑菌率的测定,筛选出具有较强抑制4种腐败微生物生长和代谢的菌株SCP53(Lactobacillus plantarum)。将乳酸菌SCP53与腐败菌共同接种发酵萝卜,结果证实该菌株确实能起到抑制泡菜生花,改善泡菜品质的作用。
关键词: 泡菜 / 乳酸菌 / 腐败菌 / 抑菌能力 / 筛选Abstract: Seven lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from high-quality pickle samples were screened to inhibit four kinds of spoilage microorganisms, which caused the pickle film. Lactobacillus plantarum SCP53, which had strong antimicrobial activity to tested spoilage microorganisms, was selected by oxford cup method and liquid culture (film, precipitation, liquid turbidity, and inhibition rate to spoilage microorganisms) . SCP53 and spoilage microorganisms were inoculated to make radish pickle, and the results indicated that SCP53 could prevent the formation of film and improved the quality of pickle.
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