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生物入侵: 中国学者面临的转化生态学机遇与挑战

Biological invasions: opportunities and challenges facing Chinese ecologists in the era of translational ecology

Bo Li ,1,2,*, Keping Ma3

1 Coastal Ecosystems Research Station of the Yangtze River Estuary, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, Institute of Biodiversity Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433

2 Center for Watershed Ecology, Institute of Life Science and Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031

3 State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093

今天, 乘坐飞机长途旅行已是一件太普通不过的事情了, 我们可以在不到一天的时间内到达世界的任何大城市。在我们的孩提时代, 世界大城市是那么的遥不可及, 而今只不过是邻近的“小村落”而已, 世界变得越来越小。近代技术革新所带来的空间上的相对变小不仅给我们人类的各种交往和商业活动带来了便捷, 而且也有助于生物物种越过自然的物理屏障, 进行快速和低风险的长距离扩散, 从而重塑物种的分布区。从这种意义上来说, 全球化就像地质事件一样, 对物种的分布区产生着深刻的影响。就全球范围来看, 由人类有意或无意“嫁到”新的地理分布区的物种总数可能已达到50万种之多(Pimentel et al., 2001)。

尽管引入一个区域的物种中只有极少数会最终成为有害的外来入侵性生物, 即外来入侵种(invasive alien species), 但正是这少数的物种被全世界公认为是新千年最严重的生态、人类健康、经济威胁之一(Pimentel, 2002), 已给土著生态系统的生物多样性带来了灭顶之灾, 给人类健康造成了严重的威胁, 给所入侵区域的经济带来了巨大的损失。所以, 生物入侵的问题已成为全球性的重大生态和环境问题, 引起了各国政府、社会和学术界的普遍关注, 常常与全球变暖相提并论, 并被视为全球变化的重要组成部分(Vitousek et al., 1997)。

我国的大部分疆域处在中纬度地区, 景观、气候、生态系统类型多样, 因而是一个生物多样性的大国; 也正由于此, 来自世界各地的物种都很容易在我国的领土上安家落户, 也就是说, 我国疆土的可入侵性(invasibility)高。我国有着悠久的文明史, 引种在西汉时期就已开始, 引入了大量的经济物种及其相关的有害生物; 譬如, 石榴就是由张骞出使西域时从原产地中亚细亚带回。我国又是一个人口大国, 尤其是生产性人口巨大, 高强度的生产和经济活动给外来种的引入和散布创造了有利条件。更为重要的是, 我国目前正处在高速经济发展的时期, 进入了一个前所未有的国际物流和人流的高峰。尽管相关部门采取了许多积极有效的防御措施, 但外来物种进入我国的数量仍是空前的。如此等等, 很多因素使得我国成为了生物入侵的重灾国, 而且生物入侵问题还有日趋严重的趋势。

有鉴于此, 我国政府也采取了一系列积极的措施, 如环保部于2003年和2010年分别发布了第一、二批入侵物种清单, 共36种; 科技部设立了有关生物入侵的“973”项目, 专门研究生物入侵中的重大基础理论问题以及管理中的应用转化问题, 该项目现已进入滚动期。近10年来, 我国学术界对生物入侵的研究可谓异常火爆, 许多大学和科研单位均设有生物入侵研究团队。当然, 相对于欧美国家对生物入侵问题的重视程度, 相对于我国生物入侵问题的严重程度, 无论是我们政府的行动还是科学家的热情都来得比较晚。尽管如此, 我们也很高兴地看到, 我国在近10年内已在生物入侵研究领域中取得了可喜的进展, 尤其是有关互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)、紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)、喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)、松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)、B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)等我国重要入侵种的研究已取得了国际认可的成果。

为了让更多的有志者了解生物入侵研究的最新进展, 加入到“外来种入侵”这一关系到国计民生的热点问题的研究领域中来, 推动国内这一领域研究的更快发展, 《生物多样性》杂志继2001年和2002年的“生物多样性与外来物种管理”专栏后, 愿再一次推出有关生物入侵的专辑。经过《生物多样性》编辑部、相关编委以及作者近半年的努力, 这一愿望终于在“第九届生物多样性保护与持续利用研讨会”之时得以实现。本专辑由15篇论文组成, 涉及生物入侵研究领域中三大核心问题, 即外来生物入侵的机制、后果以及控制和管理。

从应用层面来看, 生物入侵的研究成果最终要转化为公众的知识、管理行动或政府部门的决策依据, 所以有关入侵种控制和管理的研究显得尤为重要。本专辑仅有强胜等(2010)的论文聚焦于入侵种的管理问题, 该文较全面地分析了中国农业生态系统中外来种入侵及其管理现状, 将为我国该类系统中入侵生物的管理提供重要的参考。

由于前述的自然和社会原因, 我国生态系统作为一个总体, 可入侵性很高。就入侵植物而言, Weber等(2008)的初步研究表明, 我国至少有外来入侵植物270种, 而实际的数量很可能会更大。事实上, 通过与美国的植物入侵情况比较, Weber和 Li(2008)发现, 我国的入侵植物远比美国少(美国为519种), 所以未来的趋势可能是, 随着经济的发展我国将面临更多的外来植物的入侵, 尤其是水生和木本植物。他们的预测也可以通过本专辑中杨博等(2010)的论文得到反映。该论文提供了我国800种外来陆生草本植物多样性与生态学特征的初步分析, 说明我国外来植物的物种库很大, 也许若干年后那些目前尚未列入入侵植物清单中的物种成了难以对付的农林或环境杂草。

我们期待, 这期专辑的出版有助于推动我国在生物入侵研究领域的发展。根据生物入侵研究领域的特点以及目前的研究现状, 展望未来, 我们认为如下三个方面在将来的研究中有待进一步加强。

本专辑的大部分论文与植物入侵种相关, 有关真菌、病毒和其他微生物入侵的论文较少, 当然, 这也许是我们在组稿时未能充分重视这些类群。不过, 值得注意的是, 真菌和病毒中有很多是动、植物以及人类疾病的病原生物, 其入侵所造成的经济和人类健康影响是巨大的。美国生态学会前任主席Ron Pulliam教授在2004年复旦大学举办的高级生态学讲习班上指出, 入侵性传染病的生态和进化规律是生态学家在本世纪里所面临的四大挑战之一(Pulliam & Yu, 2005), 所以, 在未来的研究中值得给以更多的关注。

生物入侵之所以受到全球的重视, 不仅仅是因为它为科学家提供了研究生态学和进化问题的理想系统, 更重要的是, 它威胁着我们赖以生存的自然和人工生态系统。近期的外来入侵种编目工作表明, 中国有多达520多种外来入侵生物(万方浩等, 2009), 但是我们对绝大多数物种影响的认识是模糊不清的, 这给我们的依据管理(evidence-based management)带来了困难。因此, 在将来的研究中应进一步重视入侵种的直接和间接影响、产生影响的机制。 事实上, 生物入侵的生态学影响也是生态学家在本世纪里所面临的又一挑战(Pulliam & Yu, 2005)。

生物入侵并非独行, 而是与全球的环境变化问题同时袭来。可以说, 几乎所有全球环境变化的主要过程(如气候变化、生物多样性的丧失、土地利用方式的改变、氮沉降、环境污染等)都与生物入侵过程相互作用(Mooney & Hobbs, 2000; Perrings et al., 2010), 不仅正在催生出一次进化史上的革命(Cox, 2004), 而且将可能产生难以预测的生态、经济和社会后果。仅就气候变化来说, 其与生物入侵相互作用就可能产生五大后果(Hellmann et al., 2008): (1)改变入侵种的迁移(transport)和引入机制; (2)改变气候对入侵种的约束, 从而导致新入侵种的出现; (3)使现有入侵种的分布区发生改变, 扩张到新的区域; (4)改变现有入侵种所造成的影响; (5)用于管理入侵种的现有对策需要作适应性调整, 或者其管理效率会有所改变。所以, 生物入侵作为全球变化的重要过程之一, 应与其他过程整合起来加以研究, 认识这种相互作用的格局、机制与后果。

最后, 我们诚挚地向《生物多样性》的编辑时意专、周玉荣和闫文杰, 编委丁建清、冯玉龙、李振宇、强胜、万方浩、张大勇等以及所有作者表示由衷的感谢, 没有他们的共同努力, 本专辑可能还只是一个美丽的梦想。



Cox GW (2004) Alien Species and Evolution: The Evolutionary Ecology of Exotic Plants, Animals, Microbes, and Interacting Native Species.

Island Press,

Washington, DC.

[本文引用: 2]


Deng ZF (邓自发), Ouyang Y (欧阳琰), Xie XL (谢晓玲), Qing H (清华), Xiao Y (肖燕), An SQ (安树青) (2010)

The effects of primary process of global change on biological invasion in coastal ecosystem

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 605-614. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

2, sea level rise and eutrophication on the process of biological invasion have been analyzed based on the invasive status of coastal ecosystem. The results indicate that elevated CO2 disturbs the competitive balance between invasive and native species. Sea level rise adjusts the spatial pattern of invasive species and eutrophication of coastal ecosystem promotes further spread of alien species. At last, the research hotspots about interactions between global change and biological invasion in coastal ecosystem are discussed.]]>


Hellmann JJ, Byers JE, Bierwagen BG, Dukes JS (2008)

Five potential consequences of climate change for invasive species

Conservation Biology, 22, 534-543.

URL    PMID:18577082     [本文引用: 1]


Ju RT (鞠瑞亭), Li B (李博) (2010)

Sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata, an invasive alien pest rapidly spreading in urban China

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 638-646. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), was first found in Changsha of Hunan Province in 2002 and has since been recorded in 25 cities in 11 Chinese provinces or municipalities. This species feeds mainly on leaves of Platanus spp. trees. Heavy infestations have been concentrated in the Yangtze River basin. Here, we briefly describe this species, focusing on its invasion biology. In so doing, we first review the lace bug’s biological characteristics, including its life history, feeding habits and reproduction, and then focus on its invasion ecology, covering invasion pathways, adaptation during invasion (cold and heat tolerance), and major environmental factors affecting its invasion success and its impact on native urban ecosystems. Finally, we make some suggestions for managing this bug in Chinese cities.]]>


Lei YB (类延宝), Xiao HF (肖海峰), Feng YL (冯玉龙) (2010)

Impacts of alien plant invasions on biodiversity and evolutionary responses of native species

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 622-630. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The impacts of invasive alien species on the genetic diversity and evolutionary responses of native species are poorly understood. Accumulating evidence shows that invasive plant species can lead to genetic erosion of natives directly through hybridization and gene infiltration, or even affect genetic diversity of natives through creation of new “genotypes”. Exotic species can also alter genetic diversity of natives indirectly through habitat fragmentation and modification, processes which influence gene flow within and among populations and result in inbreeding and genetic drift. On the other hand, some studies show that native species can respond evolutionarily to invasive plants, thereby reducing or eliminating invasive impacts. While interacting with invasive species, native species in both above- and below-ground ecosystems exhibit a series of evolutionary events such as adaptation, speciation or extinction. To more comprehensively evaluate the ecological impacts of biological invasions and the adaptive potential of natives, here we review the impacts of invasive plants on biological (genetic) diversity of native species, and the evolutionary responses of natives. We also discuss relationships between the genetic and evolutionary responses of natives and the success of invasive plants, and propose topics for further research.


Liao CZ (廖成章), Tang XP (唐小平), Cheng XL (程小玲), Li B (李博), Luo YQ (骆亦其) (2010)

Nitrogen dynamics of aerial litter of exotic Spartina alterniflora and native Phragmites australis

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 631-637. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Spartina alterniflora have rapidly displaced native Phragmites australis on China’s East Coast. In the Yangtze Estuary’s Jiuduansha wetlands, nitrogen content in aerial standing litter for both Spartina and Phragmites was measured from November 2003 to April 2004. Spartina had larger nitrogen content (N g/m2) in aerial litter than Phragmites. Nitrogen content in aerial litter of Spartina sheathes and stems increased during our study period; this trend was not observed for Phragmites. In January 2006, new (produced in winter of 2005) and old (produced in winter of 2004) Spartina aerial sheath and stem litter was collected from six sites on China’s East Coast. Aerial litter of old sheathes and stems had higher nitrogen concentrations than new sheathes and stems, suggesting that the increase of nitrogen content in Spartina sheath and stem aerial litter was consistent across sites. Further greenhouse experiments showed that the increase of nitrogen content in Spartina aerial litter was associated with microbial epiphytic nitrogen fixation. Our results suggest that Spartina invasion alters aerial litter nitrogen dynamics, which might increase nitrogen input into invaded ecosystems and facilitate rapid expansion of Spartina into additional habitats.]]>


Liu J (刘建), Li JM (李钧敏), Yu H (余华), He WM (何维明), Yu FH (于飞海), Sang WG (桑卫国), Liu GF (刘国方), Dong M (董鸣) (2010)

The relationship between functional traits and invasiveness of alien plants

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 569-576. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Understanding the functional traits and ecological mechanisms associated with successful invasions of alien plants is a key role of the field of invasion ecology. Through literature review and analysis of plant functional traits contributing to successful plant invasions and the demands for functional traits at different invasion stages, we discuss the relationships between the functional traits and invasiveness of alien plants as well as related ecological mechanisms. Functional traits that have been studied in relation to their invasions mainly include seed characters, and morphological, developmental, physiological, clonal and propagation characteristics, as well as genetic variation and plasticity of phenotype. The impacts of these functional traits on invasion success vary from one stage to another. At the introduction stage, plant invasions are mainly affected by seed characters. At the establishment stage, stress-tolerance related physiology and propagation traits exert important influences. At the explosion stage, clonal characters and physiological traits related to competitive ability largely contribute to invasion success. Because plant invasions result from interactions between plant functional traits and environmental features, further studies on plant invasions should consider both the effects of invasion stage and specific environmental variables on invasion success.


Lu B-R (卢宝荣), Xia H (夏辉), Wang W (汪魏), Yang X (杨箫) (2010)

Impacts of natural hybridization and introgression on biological invasion of plant species

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 577-589. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Biological invasions have caused tremendous ecological and socio-economic damages worldwide. Therefore, it is important to develop methods for their effective management. Biological invasion is a process of adaptive evolution in which hybridization and introgression play an important role in promoting invasive species by changing their invasiveness. Therefore, understanding how the genetic mechanisms of hybridization and introgression influence biological invasion will facilitate effective control of invasive species. The escape of transgenes with special functions into populations of wild relatives through hybridization and introgression may change the invasiveness and weediness of the wild relatives, causing undesired environmental problems. This paper introduces the role of hybridization and introgression in adaptive evolution and speciation, and discusses how an alien species can change its adaptability, competitive ability, and invasiveness in new habitats through introgressive hybridization. Hybridization and introgression can cause polyploid and homoploid evolution of plant species, thereby influencing the fitness of new species and promoting the formation of an invasive species in new habitats. At the same time, with the rapid development of transgenic technologies, transgenic crops are being extensively released into the environment for commercial production. Biological invasion is a complicated evolutionary and ecological process, and future research should investigate the roles of hybridization and introgression in biological invasions in the context of the myriad factors that influence the process.


Luan JB (栾军波), Liu SS (刘树生) (2010)

Roles of vector-virus-plant interactions in biological invasions

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 598-604. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Interactions between vector insects, plant viruses and host plants are complex and diverse. Although much work has been done to study the tripartite relationships, their roles in biological invasions have been rarely explored. The limited case studies available indicate that the interactions may be mediated by the host plant susceptibility to viruses, the suitability of host plants to vector insects, and the insects’ capacity to utilize host plants. When a host plant is highly susceptible to the virus but shows a low level of suitability to the insect, and the insect has a strong capacity to use different host plants, an indirect mutualistic relationship is likely to occur between vector insect and plant virus via their shared host plants. This kind of mutualism can contribute to the widespread invasion of vector insects as well as the epidemics of plant viruses. In view of the significance of the tripartite interactions in biological invasions, future effort should be made to investigate comparatively many more combinations of different species, and various technologies can be used to reveal the physiological and molecular mechanisms of the interactions.


Mooney HA, Hobbs RJ (2000) Invasive Species in a Changing World.

Island Press,

Washington, DC.

[本文引用: 1]


Niu HY (牛红玉), Shen H (沈浩), Ye WH (叶万辉) (2010)

Whole-range studies on alien plant invasion: recent progress and future prospects

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 559-568. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The regions invaded by alien species are normally disjunct from their native ranges, so it is difficult to understand the reasons for successful invasion through studies conducted only in native or invasive ranges. Many researchers have engaged in whole-range studies of invasive species, i.e. studying the exotics both in their introduced and native ranges, in order to explain the present geographical patterns and invasion mechanisms of alien plants. Here, we review progress in whole-range studies on invasive plants by summarizing their main contents, achievements and significance. We also point out the problems and shortcomings of existing studies and provide prospects for further studies. There are two main approaches in whole-range studies: (1) comparison of phenotypic traits (e.g. growth, reproduction, and ecophysiology) between invasive and native populations through direct observation and common garden experiments; (2) genetic diversity analysis and phylogeographic research using molecular markers. Such studies have tested major hypotheses of plant invasion mechanisms, and provided advice for management and control of invasive plants. However, the methods and contents of existing whole-range studies are imperfect, and further improvements based on increased international cooperation are needed.


Perrings C, Mooney HA, Williamson M (2010) Bioinvasions and Globalization: Ecology, Economics, Management, and Policy.

Oxford University Press,


[本文引用: 1]


Pimentel D (2002) Biological Invasions: Economic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant, Animal, and Microbe Species.

CRC Press,

Boca Raton, Florida.

[本文引用: 1]


Pimentel D, McNair S, Janecka J, Wightman J, Simmonds C, O'Connell C, Wong E, Russel L, Zern J, Aquino T, Tsomondo T (2001)

Economic and environmental threats of alien plant, animal, and microbe invasions

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 84, 1-20.

[本文引用: 1]


Pulliam R, Yu H (余华) Challenges and strategies for the development of ecology in 21st century. In: Challenges Facing Ecologists: Questions and Approaches (生态学家面临的挑战——问题与途径) (eds Chen JQ (陈吉泉), Li B (李博), Ma ZJ (马志军), Zhao B (赵斌)), pp. 9-15.

Higher Education Press,

Beijing. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 2]


Qiang S (强胜), Chen GQ (陈国奇), Li BP (李保平), Meng L (孟玲) (2010)

Invasive alien species in Chinese agricultural ecosystems and their management

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 647-659. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[本文引用: 1]


Shang L (尚蕾), Yangjin Zhuoga (央金卓嘎), Yang J (杨继), Li B (李博) (2010)

Genomics: an important tool for understanding plant invasiveness

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 533-546. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[本文引用: 1]


Shi W (施雯), Geng Y-P (耿宇鹏), Ou XK (欧晓昆) (2010)

Genetic diversity and invasion success of alien species: where are we and where should we go?

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 590-597. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[本文引用: 1]


Stewart CN (2009)

Weedy and Invasive Plant Genomics

Wiley-Blackwell, Iowa.

[本文引用: 1]


Vitousek PM, D’Antonio CM, Loope LL, Rejmanek M, Westbrooks R (1997)

Introduced species: a significant component of human-caused global change

New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 21, 1-16.

[本文引用: 1]


Wan FH (万方浩), Guo JY (郭建英), Zhang F (张峰) (2009) Research on Biological Invasions in China (中国生物入侵研究).

Science Press,

Beijing. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]


Wang K (王坤), Yang J (杨继), Chen JK (陈家宽) (2010)

Comparison of morphological traits between alligator weed and two congeners under different water and nutrient conditions

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 615-621. (in Chinese with English abstract)

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Alternanthera philoxeroides), a worldwide noxious weed, has caused enormous ecological and economic losses in China. To better understand the species’ successful invasion, and to predict relationships between expansion of its population and environmental conditions, we compared morphological traits of alligator weed with two closely related species, i.e. the geographically restricted alien A. pungens and the native A. sessilis, under different water and nutrient conditions in a common garden experiment. Compared to A. pungens and A. sessilis, alligator weed produced more biomass with high availability of water and nutrients, but did not in conditions of low water availability. These results suggest that the invasiveness of alligator weed may be influenced by environmental conditions. In addition, alligator weed had marginally greater specific leaf area (SLA) and phenotypic plasticity than its congeners. Phenotypic plasticity and SLA may thus have predictive value for invasiveness of alien species under multiple environmental conditions.]]>


Weber E, Li B (2008)

Plant invasions in China: what is to be expected in the wake of economic development?

BioScience, 58, 437-444.

[本文引用: 2]


Weber E, Sun SG, Li B (2008)

Invasive alien plants in China: diversity and ecological insights

Biological Invasions, 10, 1411-1429.


Yang B (杨博), Yangjin Zhuoga (央金卓嘎), Pan XY (潘晓云), Xu HG (徐海根), Li B (李博) (2010)

Alien terrestrial herbs in China: diversity and ecological insights

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 660-666. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[本文引用: 1]


Zhu L (朱丽), Ma KP (马克平) (2010)

On the niche stasis of intercontinental invasive plants

Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 547-558. (in Chinese with English abstract)

[本文引用: 1]


生物入侵: 中国学者面临的转化生态学机遇与挑战
七 生物入侵与生物安全
关于生物入侵的论文 生物入侵的研究现状及存在的问题

网址: 生物入侵: 中国学者面临的转化生态学机遇与挑战 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview144815.html

上一篇: 对《重点管理外来入侵物种名录》中
下一篇: 二十大报告解读|面对外来物种侵害