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科学网—New Phytologist:沙漠松露基因组揭示干旱条件下菌根真菌内生的遗传基础

Desert truffle genomes reveal their reproductive modes and new insights into plant–fungal interaction and ectendomycorrhizal lifestyle

第一作者José Eduardo Marqués‐Gálvez


通讯作者Asunción Morte


背景回顾Desert truffles are edible hypogeous fungi forming ectendomycorrhizal symbiosis with plants of Cistaceae family.

提出问题:Knowledge about the reproductive modes of these fungi and the molecular mechanisms driving the ectendomycorrhizal interaction is lacking.

主要研究1-基因组:Genomes of the highly appreciated edible desert truffles Terfezia claveryi Chatinand Tirmania nivea Trappe have been sequenced and compared with other Pezizomycetes.

主要研究2-转录组:Transcriptomes of T. claveryi × Helianthemum almeriense mycorrhiza from well‐watered and drought‐stressed plants, when intracellular colonizations is promoted, were investigated.

结果1-比较基因组揭示松露特异性:We have identified the fungal genes related to sexual reproduction in desert truffles and desert‐truffles‐specific genomic and secretomic features with respect to other Pezizomycetes, such as the expansion of a large set of gene families with unknown Pfam domains and a number of species or desert‐truffle‐specific small secreted proteins differentially regulated in symbiosis.

结果2-比较转录组鉴定关键基因:A core set of plant genes, including carbohydrate, lipid‐metabolism, and defence‐related genes, differentially expressed in mycorrhiza under both conditions was found.

结论:Our results highlight the singularities of desert truffles with respect to other mycorrhizal fungi while providing a first glimpse on plant and fungal determinants involved in ecto to endo symbiotic switch that occurs in desert truffle under dry conditions.

 摘  要 

沙漠松露(学名:块菌)是一种可食用的地下真菌,能够与半日花科的植物形成菌根共生系统。目前对于这些真菌的生殖模式以及驱动菌根互作的分子机制还所知甚少。本文中,作者对沙漠松露Terfezia claveryi Chatin和Tirmania nivea Trappe进行了全基因组测序,并与其它盘菌纲(Pezizomycetes)的已测序菌进行比较。作者对水分充足和干旱胁迫(促进块菌在植物根中定殖)条件下,T. claveryi与半日花科植物Helianthemum almeriense形成的菌根进行了比较转录组研究。作者鉴定了与沙漠松露有性生殖相关的真菌基因,以及与其它盘菌纲菌种相比,沙漠松露特异的基因组与分泌组特性,比如一个具有位置Pfam结构域的基因家族在沙漠松露中扩张,以及一些沙漠松露特异小分泌蛋白在共生过程中受到了差异调控。另外,作者还鉴定了一组植物核心基因,包括碳水化合物、脂质代谢和防御相关基因,在两种条件下的菌根中都有差异表达。本文的研究结果揭示了沙漠松露相比于其它菌根真菌的独特性,同时也为干旱条件下,菌根真菌外生到内生的转变提供了新的视野。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17044

Journal: New Phytologist

Published online: Dec 10, 2020


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网址: 科学网—New Phytologist:沙漠松露基因组揭示干旱条件下菌根真菌内生的遗传基础 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview1587651.html

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