首页 > 分享 > 2种复方精油的成分分析及对缓解焦虑情绪的效果评价


一些芳香植物精油如香蜂草、薰衣草、佛手柑、橙花油和缬草等, 可以通过嗅吸、按摩等方法实现对人的情绪性障碍进行治疗和缓解, 这种方法称为“芳香疗法”(aromatherapy)[1]。芳香疗法是许多国家用来替代或辅助医学治疗常用方法之一, 特别是在护理方面, 和康复机构有广泛使用[2], 已被用来治疗焦虑障碍抑郁症等精神情绪障碍[3-8]。

芳香植物精油大多通过水蒸气蒸馏法、压榨法等从植物的根、茎、叶、花、果或植物全株中提取出的一类挥发性小分子萜烯类化合物, 是芳香植物在生长过程中为适应环境所产生的次生代谢物质[9]。一般一种植物精油中, 有几种是特征性化合物, 是芳香植物精油的主要成分, 决定了其生物活性, 如薰衣草精油中的芳樟醇被证明有较好的镇静作用[10]。

焦虑情绪障碍是一种常见的情绪障碍, 具有焦虑障碍的人有紧张、压力的心理反应, 进而表现出诸如心悸、多汗、失眠等一系列生理症状。Knasko[11]的研究表明, 通过嗅吸一些植物香气能改善人类的情绪和认知。目前对于嗅觉刺激的研究主要集中在人体电生理学和神经解剖学方面, 脑电图(EEG)和事件相关电位(ERP)的记录是对中枢神经系统的良好反应, 这种测试技术能够证明大脑对感官刺激的响应。焦虑障碍的患者会表现出脑电波幅增加和慢活动增加, 即α节律减弱或消失, β波增多。脑电波技术适用于记录大脑对嗅觉刺激的响应以及精神疾病的鉴别诊断。

本文通过GC/MS对2种复方精油的化学成分进行检测分析, 了解2种复方精油的主要化学成分。在明确了化合物的安全性后, 招募有焦虑症状的志愿者, 分别在嗅吸前后通过量表和脑电波测验, 对比评价复方精油I和复方精油II这2种复方精油在缓解焦虑情绪方面的效果。

1 材料与方法

1.1 精油

复方精油I:单方精油I+单方精油II; 复方精油II:单方精油I+单方精油II+单方精油III+单方精油IV。

单方精油I, 为一种芸香科植物果实果皮部位提取所得; 单方精油II, 为一种唇形科多年生草本植物花穗部位提取所得; 单方精油III, 为一种番荔枝科木本植物花朵部位提取所得; 单方精油IV为一种蔷薇科植物花朵部位提取所得。以上精油均由上海交通大学芳香植物研发中心提供。

1.2 主要实验仪器

7890A-5975C气相色谱-质谱联用仪, 美国Agilent公司。

ND-97数字化脑电图仪(配有电极帽和导电胶):频率范围为0.5~100 Hz, 功率频谱分段为δ、θ、α1、α2、β1和β2, 由上海医疗器械高技术公司提供。电极帽、导电胶, 由武汉格林泰克科技有限公司提供。

1.3 方法

1.3.1 精油化学成分分析条件

通过GC/MS对2种复方精油中的化学成分进行分析, 分析条件如下:柱温:60 ℃时保持10 min, 以4 ℃/min升至220 ℃保持10 min, 以1 ℃/min升至240 ℃; 进样量:0.2 μL; 检测器:FID; 进样温度:250 ℃; 载气:氦气(99.999%); 控制模式:恒流, 1.0 mL/min; 接口温度:280 ℃; 离子源温度:230 ℃; 四级杆温度:50 ℃; 电离方式:EI+, 70 eV; 扫描方式:全扫描, 20~400 m/z, 溶剂延迟3.5 min; 标准谱库:NIST 2011谱库。

1.3.2 缓解焦虑情绪试验

采用自愿报名的方式招募志愿者, 报名时要求所有报名人员填写测试人员信息登记表(填写内容包括姓名、性别、身高、体重、年龄、是否患过高血压或其他疾病等), 按照焦虑自评量经过筛选, 志愿者随机分为2组参与试验。

志愿者每天傍晚或睡前按实验者提供的标准嗅吸方法嗅吸芳香植物精油10 min。第1天和第7天参与实验者组织的嗅吸并进行脑电波的测试。每次测试在志愿者脑电波测试稳定状态下进行第1次脑电波测试5 min并记录数据作为空白对照组, 休息5 min后进行10 min的精油嗅吸, 嗅吸后进入稳定状态再次进行脑电波测试5 min并记录; 第7天在嗅吸后完成一次脑电波的测试。在实验的第1天和第7天志愿者分别完成焦虑自评量表(SAS)。

剂量:1滴精油为0.05 mL, 在本实验中使用1 mL注射器进行量取。

使用方法:嗅吸最佳室温25 ℃下, 每次嗅闻前将1滴精油滴入装有100 mL的80 ℃热水的广口瓶中, 静置1 min后进行嗅闻, 受试者在每天傍晚嗅闻10 min/次。嗅吸时, 志愿者保持放松状态, 鼻腔距瓶口8~10 cm。

志愿者以自然姿势坐在座椅上, 将电极帽佩戴于志愿者头上, 16导电极按国际标准导联 10~20系统的位置分别安放在Fp1、Fp2、F3、F4、C3、C4、P3、P4、F7、F8、T3、T4、T5、T6、O1和O2区域, 参考电极为左右耳垂电极。脑电信号由头皮电极引出后, 经前置放大器和中央处理器进行快速傅里叶变换, 使脑电波的波幅-时间关系转变为功率-频率关系, 即时在屏幕上同步显示脑电波曲线并在头颅模式图上打出δ、θ、α和β 4个频域各脑区位置上的脑电功率值。


2 结果与分析

2.1 精油成分分析

2.1.1 复方精油I成分分析

通过GC/MS分析, 共检测该复方精油中30种化合物, 占挥发油总量的98.71%, 以烯类化合物(84.93%)为主, 辅以酯类(8.13%)和醇类化合物(5.02%)。在30种单体化合物中, 柠檬烯(79.53%)含量最多, 其次是乙酸芳樟酯(5.15%)和芳樟醇(5.02%)(表1)。

表1   复方精油I的主要化合物

Tab.1   Major volatile compounds isolated from compound essential oil I

Relative amount1柠檬烯D-limonene79.532乙酸芳樟酯Linalyl acetate5.153芳樟醇Linalool5.024乙酸薰衣草酯Lavandulyl acetate2.275β-蒎烯β-pinene1.416罗勒烯β-ocimene0.847萜品油烯Terpinolene0.648蒎烯(+)-alpha-pinene0.409乙酸香叶酯Geranyl acetate0.37103-蒈烯3-carene0.36


2.1.2 复方精油II成分分析

通过GC/MS分析, 共检测出该复方精油中48种化合物, 占挥发油总量的94.86%, 柠檬烯(72.17%)含量最多, 其次是芳樟醇(5.99%)、乙酸芳樟酯(4.78%)、香茅醇(1.77%)、安息香酸苄酯(1.41%)(表2)。

表2   复方精油II的主要化合物

Tab.2   Major volatile compounds isolated from compound essential oil II

Relative amount1柠檬烯D-limonene72.172芳樟醇Linalool5.993乙酸芳樟酯Linalyl acetate4.784乙酸薰衣草酯Lavandulyl acetate2.285香茅醇Citronellol1.776安息香酸苄酯Benzyl benzoate1.417β-蒎烯β-pinene1.268香叶醇Geraniol0.919罗勒烯β-ocimene0.8910乙酸香叶酯Geranyl acetate0.72


2.2 缓解焦虑情绪试验

2.2.1 复方精油I缓解焦虑情绪实验

从志愿者对嗅吸复方精油I前后焦虑自评量表得分结构看出(表3), 男性(n=16)和女性(n=10)焦虑自评量表得分有所不同, 女性平均得分比男性高, 在一定程度上说明, 女性焦虑程度比男性高。就个体而言, 女性志愿者中有中度焦虑者。在嗅吸复方精油I 7 d后, 男性和女性的得分都有所下降, 前后得分结果具有显著性差异(P<0.05), 说明精油对于男性和女性都有缓解焦虑情绪的作用, 男性志愿者在嗅吸后焦虑自评量表结果下降平均8.62±1.10分, 女性志愿者平均下降为6.00±1.19分, 说明男性志愿者对于复方精油I缓解焦虑效果更为敏感一些。

表3   志愿者对嗅闻复方精油I前后焦虑自评量表得分结果统计(平均数±标准差)

Tab.3   The self-assessment tables about the amount of anxiety before and aftercompound essential oil I sniffing tests(Mean±SD)

Male volunteers女性志愿者
Female volunteers实验前

注:复方精油I志愿者n=26, 男性n1=16, 女性n2=10。复方精油II志愿者n=28, 男性n1=14, 女性n2=14。


由ND-97脑电图仪测试志愿者闻香前、后α脑波的强度变化可知(表4)。不同志愿者之间情况各异, 但每位志愿者左、右枕区的α脑波功率基本保持一致, 志愿者在闻香前、后的α脑波变化情况也有所不同。从总体来看, 志愿者在第1天嗅吸后α波功率有所增加, 7 d嗅吸后α波功率相比测试前及第1次嗅吸后脑电波测试有所增加。

α波增强说明复方精油I对志愿者的紧张、焦虑情绪得到了部分程度的缓解, 而减弱则表示未得到缓解。在26位志愿者中, 第1天嗅吸试验后左右枕区α波功率均增强的19位, 占73.08%, α波功率不稳定的有3位, 占11.54%; α波功率减弱的有4位, 占15.38%。志愿者经过7 d的精油嗅吸实验后, 第7天对志愿者进行第3次脑电波测试, 左右枕区α波功率与嗅吸实验前的志愿者α波功率进行比较, 增强的有16名, 占61.54%, α波不稳定的有6名, 占30.77%; α波减弱的有2名, 占7.69%。在2次嗅吸实验中α波均得到增强的志愿者有12名, α波第1次减弱或不稳定到第2次增强的有4名, 这16人我们认为通过复方精油I的7 d嗅吸可以缓解这部分志愿者的紧张、焦虑情绪。第1次嗅吸实验中α波增强, 但在7 d嗅吸后α波反而减弱的有7名, 对于这部分志愿者来讲, 可能是复方精油嗅吸产生的疲劳感, 使得精油作用减弱。有3名志愿者在7 d嗅吸实验中一直出现α波功率不稳定或者是减弱情况, 认为精油嗅吸对这3名志愿者没有改善作用或改善作用太小。

表4   志愿者嗅吸复方精油I前、后α波功率变化(平均数±标准差)

Tab.4   The volunteers’ power of α-wave before and after compound essential oil I sniffing tests(Mean±SD)

Essential oil志愿者
Volunteersα波功率Thepower of α-wave嗅吸实验前
Beforesniffing tests第1天嗅吸后
Sniffing tests after 1 day第7天嗅吸后
Sniffing tests after 7 days左枕区
The left
The left
The left

注:复方精油I志愿者n=26, 男性n1=16, 女性n2=10。复方精油II n=28, 男性n1=14, 女性n2=14。


2.2.2 复方精油II缓解焦虑情绪实验

从表3数据表明, 经过7 d嗅吸后, 男性志愿者和女性志愿者的得分均有所下降, 嗅吸前后得分结果具有显著性差异(P<0.05), 对比男性和女性的得分, 男性在嗅吸精油后减分更为明显, 可以认为男性志愿者对于复方精油II的效果较女性志愿者更为敏感。在2种复方精油的对比测试中, 复方精油II要比复方精油I的志愿者焦虑自评量表得分降低更多, 所以在主观评价方面, 复方精油II缓解焦虑情绪优于复方精油I。

表4表明, 总体来看, 志愿者在第1天嗅吸后及时脑电波α波功率有所增加, 7 d嗅吸后α波功率相比测试前及第1次嗅吸后脑电波测试有所增加。在28位志愿者中, 第1次实验时嗅吸试验前后左右枕区α波均增强的19位, 占67.85%, α波不稳定的有3位, 占10.71%; α波减弱的有6位, 占21.43%。志愿者经过7 d的精油嗅吸实验, 在第7天时对志愿者的左右枕区α波进行第3次测试, 与未实验前的志愿者α波进行比较, 增强的有22名, 占78.57%, α波不稳定的有4名, 占14.28%; α波减弱的有2名, 占7.14%。2次嗅吸实验中α波均得到增强的有16名, α波第1次减弱或不稳定到第2次增强的有7名, 这23人我们认为通过复方精油II的7 d嗅吸可以缓解这部分志愿者的紧张、焦虑情绪。有2名志愿者在7 d嗅吸实验中一直出现α波不稳定或者是减弱情况, 认为精油嗅吸对这2名志愿者没有改善作用或改善作用小。

3 讨论

柠檬烯是单萜类化合物, 有柠檬香味, 在柠檬、柑橘、甜橙和柚子等精油中大量存在。柑橘类精油气味怡人, 对缓解压力引起的精神紧张、情绪化暴力倾向以及失眠症状有帮助[12]。芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯是单萜类化合物。含有芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯的芳香植物在传统医学中会被用来缓解或治疗一些急性或慢性疾病[13]。芳樟醇能够抑制乙酰胆碱的释放, 在神经肌肉接头处改变离子通道, 在一定剂量下对中枢神经系统有明显的镇静作用[14]。此外, 一些研究表明, 芳樟醇和乙酸芳樟酯通过皮肤按摩吸收后进入血液循环亦可到达脑部, 进而能抑制中枢神经系统兴奋[15]。安息香酸苄酯是一种常见的、典型的芳香酸酯, 主要存在于月下香、风信子、长寿花及依兰等植物的精油和浸膏中[16]。香茅醇是一种单萜醇类化合物, 在一些研究中表明在一定情况下能产生积极影响, 具有缓解焦虑的作用[17]。

复方精油I和复方精油II均以烯类化合物为主, 辅以酯类和醇类化合物。根据复方精油I和复方精油II的嗅吸缓解焦虑情绪试验结果, 在主观评价(焦虑自评量表)方面, 男性表现出比女性更好的缓解焦虑效果, 及总体而言复方精油II的缓解焦虑效果比复方精油I效果更好, 单方精油III和单方精油IV的含量虽然低, 但是对于缓解焦虑情绪有较好的协同作用。此外, 有数名志愿者表示, 嗅吸精油后有助于入睡, 患有焦虑的人群部分存在睡眠障碍, 因此该精油对睡眠的促进作用, 可以达到缓解焦虑的作用。

本文主要研究了2种复方精油对于缓解焦虑情绪的效果, 精油中一般存在几十种化合物, 究竟是哪种化合物起到了作用, 是否是精油的主要成分起了作用, 还是一些含量低但是具有更好的功效的化合物起作用, 还有待进一步具体研究。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Aromatherapy for Health Professionals

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'Aromatherapy' is one of the most actively growing forms of alternative medicine combining massage together with counselling and a nice odour. Most clients suffer from some kind of stress-related disorder and aromatherapy encourages the healing process largely through relaxation and the relief of stress. Stress is also a major problem in hospitals, hospices and homes for the aged and physically or mentally-challenged. Aromatherapy is welcomed by nurses who want to be closer to their patient and doctors who can refer patients with stress-related disorders who do not respond to conventional medicines.

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The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of the essential oils of orange and lavender on anxiety, mood, alertness and calmness in dental patients. Two hundred patients between the ages of 18 and 77 years (half women, half men) were assigned to one of four independent groups. While waiting for dental procedures patients were either stimulated with ambient odor of orange or ambient odor of lavender. These conditions were compared to a music condition and a control condition (no odor, no music). Anxiety, mood, alertness and calmness were assessed while patients waited for dental treatment. Statistical analyses revealed that compared to control condition both ambient odors of orange and lavender reduced anxiety and improved mood in patients waiting for dental treatment. These findings support the previous opinion that odors are capable of altering emotional states and may indicate that the use of odors is helpful in reducing anxiety in dental patients.

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Nature is the best chemist. Novel therapeutics derived from natural sources is clearly a worthwhile strategy and has long historic pedigree. Anxiety, depression and psychotic disorders lack ideal medications based on a limited understanding of the underlying causes of these complaints. Many of the current therapeutics display lack of efficacy and/or multiple side effects. There is growing evidence that essential oils derived from plants have useful properties in relieving emotional disorders, particularly those seen in neurodegenerative diseases. This review focuses on two essential oils derived form Melissa and Lavender plants, both of which have useful anti-agitation properties in humans, the former having an additional beneficial property of maintaining attention in patients suffer ing from dementias.

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Acute effects of bergamot oil on anxiety‐related behaviour and corticosterone level in rats

[J].Phytotherapy Research, 2011, 25(6):858-862.

DOI:10.1002/ptr.3325    URL    PMID: 21105176    摘要

Bergamot essential oil (BEO), Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia (Risso) Wright & Arn. (Rutaceae), is used widely in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety despite limited scientific evidence. A previous study showed that BEO significantly increased gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in rat hippocampus, suggesting potential anxiolytic properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of BEO (1.0%, 2.5% and 5.0% w/w) administered to rats on both anxiety-related behaviours (the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and hole-board tests) and stress-induced levels of plasma corticosterone in comparison with the effects of diazepam. Inhalation of BEO (1% and 2.5%) and injection of diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly increased the percentage of open arm entries on the EPM. The percentage time spent in the open arms was also significantly enhanced following administration of either BEO (2.5% and 5%) or diazepam. Total arm entries were significantly increased with the highest dose (5%), suggesting an increase in locomotor activity. In the hole-board test, 2.5% BEO and diazepam significantly increased the number of head dips. 2.5% BEO and diazepam attenuated the corticosterone response to acute stress caused by exposure to the EPM. In conclusion, both BEO and diazepam exhibited anxiolytic-like behaviours and attenuated HPA axis activity by reducing the corticosterone response to stress.

[6]佟棽棽, 姚雷.


[J].上海交通大学学报(农业科学版), 2009, 27(1):82-85.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-9964.2009.01.018    URL    摘要

为探索芳香植物的香气成分对神经系统的调节作用。采用两种抑郁模型小鼠尾悬挂试验和小鼠强迫游泳试验,对迷迭香(Rosmarinus officinalis L.)和柠檬草(Cymbopogon citrates)的精油以及活体香气的抗抑郁作用进行了研究。结果显示,与生理盐水对照组相比较.迷迭香和柠檬草的精油各剂量以及活体香气各浓度都可以使小鼠尾悬挂的失望时间和小鼠强迫游泳的不动时间显著缩短,但普遍比氟西汀的作用弱。在小鼠尾悬挂试验中,效果最好的四种依次为:氟西汀、迷迭香精油中剂量、迷迭香植物低浓度、柠檬草精油大剂量,与生理盐水对照组相比,不动时间分别缩短了56.6%、52.7%、35.9%、34.1%;在小鼠强迫游泳试验中.效果最好的四种依次为:迷迭香精油中剂量、氟西汀、迷迭香植物低浓度、柠檬草精油大剂量,与生理盐水对照组相比,不动时间分别缩短了40.1%、36.3%、35.3%、35.1%。由此可见,迷迭香和柠檬草的精油以及活体香气,具有一定的抗抑郁作用。

[7]Koo B S, Park K S, Ha J H, et al.

Inhibitory effects of the fragrance inhalation of essential oil from Acorus gramineus on central nervous system

[J].Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2003, 26(7):978-982.

DOI:10.1248/bpb.26.978    URL    PMID: 12843622    摘要

The present study was designed to evaluate central inhibitory effects of the essential oil from Acori graminei Rhizoma (AGR), the dry rhizomes of Acorus gramineus SOLANDER (Araceae) upon fragrance inhalation (aroma therapy). Preinhalation of the oil markedly delayed the appearance of pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsion. Furthermore, inhalation impressively inhibited the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transaminase, a degrading enzyme for GABA as the inhalation period was lengthened. The GABA level was significantly increased and glutamate content was significantly decreased in mouse brain by preinhalation of the essential oil. The above results suggest that the anticonvulsive effect of this AGR oil is originated by the enhancement of GABA level in the mouse brain, because convulsion depends partially on GABA concentration which can be properly preserved by inhibiting GABA transaminase. Moreover, fragrance inhalation progressively prolonged the pentobarbital-induced sleeping time as inhalation time was lengthened. Ten hour inhalation corresponded almost to the effect (145% increase) of oral administration (60 mg/kg). This sedative effect after inhalation or oral administration of AGR essential oil suggests that this oil may act on the CNS via the GABAergic system. The inhibitory activity of preinhalation of the essential oil on lipid peroxidation, to which the anticonvulsive action is attributed, also supported the above results, confirming and amplifying our previous reports on the CNS inhibitory effects of AGR.

[8]姚元, 陈全家, 姚雷.

3 种芳香植物单方及其复方精油的抗真菌作用

[J].上海交通大学学报(农业科学版), 2012, 30(6):58-61.

DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.1671-9964.2012.06.011    URL     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

探讨柠檬草、百里香和肉桂精油及其它们所组成的复方精油对足癣真 菌的抑制作用.通过抑茵圈法,比较单方精油及其组合复方精油对引起足癣的真菌:红色毛癣菌、石膏样毛癣茵和絮状表皮癣茵的抑茵作用.结果表明,单方精油和 复方精油对受试真菌均有较好的抑菌效果.单方精油的抑菌效果强弱顺序为:肉桂、百里香、柠檬草,复方精油中柠檬草十百里香十肉桂(1∶1∶1)在3μL时 对3种真菌效果最佳.通过两两组合或三者组合的精油复方表现出明显的协同增效的作用.对真菌的抑茵作用大小为:絮状表皮癣菌>石膏样毛癣菌>红色毛癣菌.

[9]Bakkali F, Averbeck S, Averbeck D, et al.

Biological effects of essential oils-a review

[J].Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2008, 46(2):446-475.

DOI:10.1016/j.fct.2007.09.106    Magsci     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Since the middle ages, essential oils have been widely used for bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, antiparasitical, insecticidal, medicinal and cosmetic applications, especially nowadays in pharmaceutical, sanitary, cosmetic, agricultural and food industries. Because of the mode of extraction, mostly by distillation from aromatic plants, they contain a variety of volatile molecules such as terpenes and terpenoids, phenol-derived aromatic components and aliphatic components. <em>In vitro</em> physicochemical assays characterise most of them as antioxidants. However, recent work shows that in eukaryotic cells, essential oils can act as prooxidants affecting inner cell membranes and organelles such as mitochondria. Depending on type and concentration, they exhibit cytotoxic effects on living cells but are usually non-genotoxic. In some cases, changes in intracellular redox potential and mitochondrial dysfunction induced by essential oils can be associated with their capacity to exert antigenotoxic effects. These findings suggest that, at least in part, the encountered beneficial effects of essential oils are due to prooxidant effects on the cellular level.</p>

[10]Pichersky E, Noel J P, Dudareva N.

Biosynthesis of plant volatiles:nature's diversity and ingenuity

[J].Science, 2006, 311(5762):808-811.

DOI:10.1126/science.1118510    URL    PMID: 16469917     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

Plant volatiles (PVs) are lipophilic molecules with high vapor pressure that serve various ecological roles. The synthesis of PVs involves the removal of hydrophilic moieties and oxidation/hydroxylation, reduction, methylation, and acylation reactions. Some PV biosynthetic enzymes produce multiple products from a single substrate or act on multiple substrates. Genes for PV biosynthesis evolve by duplication of genes that direct other aspects of plant metabolism; these duplicated genes then diverge from each other over time. Changes in the preferred substrate or resultant product of PV enzymes may occur through minimal changes of critical residues. Convergent evolution is often responsible for the ability of distally related species to synthesize the same volatile.

[11]Knasko S.C.Human responses to ambient olfactory stimuli[M].CRC Press Inc, 1996:107-126.

[本文引用: 1]    

[12]Sun J.

D-Limonene:safety and clinical applications

[J].Alternative Medicine Review, 2007, 12(3):259-264.

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2007.03413.x    URL    PMID: 18072821     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

ABSTRACT D-limonene is one of the most common terpenes in nature. It is a major constituent in several citrus oils (orange, lemon, mandarin, lime, and grapefruit). D-limonene is listed in the Code of Federal Regulations as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for a flavoring agent and can be found in common food items such as fruit juices, soft drinks, baked goods, ice cream, and pudding. D-limonene is considered to have fairly low toxicity. It has been tested for carcinogenicity in mice and rats. Although initial results showed d-limonene increased the incidence of renal tubular tumors in male rats, female rats and mice in both genders showed no evidence of any tumor. Subsequent studies have determined how these tumors occur and established that d-limonene does not pose a mutagenic, carcinogenic, or nephrotoxic risk to humans. In humans, d-limonene has demonstrated low toxicity after single and repeated dosing for up to one year. Being a solvent of cholesterol, d-limonene has been used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. Because of its gastric acid neutralizing effect and its support of normal peristalsis, it has also been used for relief of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). D-limonene has well-established chemopreventive activity against many types of cancer. Evidence from a phase I clinical trial demonstrated a partial response in a patient with breast cancer and stable disease for more than six months in three patients with colorectal cancer.

[13]Peana A T, Moretti M D.

Pharmacological activities and applications of Salvia sclarea and Salvia desoleana essential oils

[J].Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 2002, 26:391-423.

DOI:10.1016/S1572-5995(02)80012-6    URL     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

Pharmacological properties of S. sclarea and S. desoleana oils are discussed in relation to their chemical composition. After systemic administration, these oils had a depressant action on the CNS in mice and a hydrocholeretic effect in rats. Otherstudies demonstrated also a good anti-inflammatory activity in rats as well as a peripheral analgesic action in mice. These essential oils possess invitro antimicrobial properties against some humanpathogen strains and their activity is comparable to S. officinalis oil, well known for its antiseptic properties. In vitro studies carried out on mucoadhesive preparations showed the ability of the oil components to permeate the oral mucous. This could be of interest in the treatment of humaninflammatory diseases of mucous tissues, frequently associated with microbial infections. These oils are also able to inhibit the growth of some phytopathogenic fungi and could therefore be useful in the agronomic field as an alternative to synthetic compounds, with a view to reducing environmental pollution. Some biological effects were correlated with the chemical composition and the kind of the formulations utilized in order to examine some possible applications of these oils in human medicine. All pharmacological activities seem to be attributable to the content of some oxygenated compounds, like alcohols (mainly linalool and alpha-terpineol) and esters (linalyl and alpha-terpinyl acetate). Experimental observations point the hypothesis of a synergic action between the different components, even if the oils in toto were more active than their fractions or single components.

[14]Jirovetz L, Jäger W, Buchbauer G, et al.

Investigations of animal blood samples after fragrance drug inhalation by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with chemical ionization and selected ion monitoring

[J].Biological Mass Spectrometry, 1991, 20(12):801-803.

DOI:10.1002/bms.1200201210    URL    PMID: 1812991     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

The fragrance compounds linalool (1) and linalyl acetate (2) could be detected, identified and quantified (1: 7-9 ng ml-1; and 2: 1-2 ng ml-1 and 4-5 ng ml-1 as free linalool) in blood samples after inhalation in animal experiments (mice) by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with chemical ionization (CI) (ammonia); selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode (1: m/z 81, 137 and 154; 2: 47, 57 and 137) and GC/flame ionization detection (FID). The inhalation of these monoterpenes in concentrations of 5 mg l-1 air leads to a significant reduction of the motility of the test animals down to 30-40% with respect to the control group.

[15]Jager W, Buchbauer G., Jirovetz L, et al.

Percutaneous absorption of lavender oil from a massage oil

[J].Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, 1992, 43(1):49-54.

[本文引用: 1]    

[16]张文静, 郑福平, 孙宝国, 等.


[J].食品科学, 2008, 29(9):523-525.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1002-6630.2008.09.124    URL     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

采用同时蒸馏萃取法(SDE) 提取盛花期紫丁香花精油,提取率为0.079%。用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)结合气相色谱保留指数定性方法,从紫丁香花精油中鉴定出64种挥发性成 分,占精油总成分的95.79%。主要成分为苯乙醇(16.12%)、(E,E)-法尼醇(13.43%)、苯甲醇(6.24%)、紫丁香醛 C(3.91%)、肉桂醇(3.64%)、紫丁香醇A(3.61%)、4-乙烯基愈创木酚(3.38%)、紫丁香醛A(2.62%)、吲哚 (2.34%)、苯甲酸苄酯(2.31%)、紫丁香醇D(2.25%)和苯乙醛(2.03%)等。其中所含的紫丁香醛异构体和紫丁香醇异构体是紫丁香鲜花 的特征香气成分。

[17]Umezu T, Ito H, Nagano K, et al.

Anticonflict effects of rose oil and identification of its active constituents

[J].Life Sciences, 2002, 72(1):91-102.

DOI:10.1016/S0024-3205(02)02197-5    URL    PMID: 12409148     [本文引用: 1]    摘要

The present study investigates the pharmacologically active constituents of rose oil, which possesses anti-conflict effects. Analysis using GC/MS revealed that rose oil contains 9 substances that were identified as myrcene, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenethyl alcohol, citronellol, geraniol, citronellyl acetate, eugenol, geranyl acetate and methyl eugenol. We examined the effects of each of these substances using the Geller and Vogel conflict tests in ICR mice. Myrcene, benzyl alcohol and citronellyl acetate did not produce any effects in either tests. Geranyl acetate and methyl eugenol produced no effect in the Geller conflict test. Geraniol and eugenol decreased the response rate during the safe period of the Geller conflict test, but did not affect the response rate during the alarm period. In contrast, 2-phenethyl alcohol and citronellol, like rose oil, produced an increasing effect on the response rate during the alarm period in the Geller conflict test. In addition, both chemicals increased the number of electric shocks mice received in the Vogel conflict test in a manner similar to that of rose oil. Given that 2-phenethyl alcohol and citronellol produced the same anti-conflict effects in both tests as rose oil, we concluded that they are the pharmacologically active constituents of anti-anxiety-like effect of rose oil.


7种可以有效缓解焦虑的精油及使用方法 – 美豆芽健康饮食养生网
玫瑰精油的作用 玫瑰精油的使用法
舒缓复方 — 缓解一切疼痛

网址: 2种复方精油的成分分析及对缓解焦虑情绪的效果评价 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview410388.html

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