高级植物营养学 高亚军 2011-11-23 内容 植物营养遗传与分子生物学 植物营养遗传与分子生物学探索关于植物营养学与植物遗传学、分子生物学交叉点的理论、方法的最新研究进展。 1.植物营养的遗传学和分子生物学原理与方法 你见过蓝色的玫瑰、百合、康乃馨、菊花、郁金香和蓝色的月季花吗? 你见过蓝色的玫瑰、百合、康乃馨、菊花、郁金香和蓝色的月季花吗? Plant Genetic Modification植物遗传修饰 基本概念 转基因植物(transgenic plant ) 转化植物(transformed plant) 基因工程植物(genetically engineered plant) 遗传修饰植物(genetically modified plant) Why use Genetic Modification? Accelerate the breeding process Introduce/enhance desired trait in an established genetic background Extend the gene pool Select genes from any Kingdom (with care, especially if potential for entry into the food chain) What are the Uses of GM Plants? Research Largest number of transgenic plants are currently created for research purposes Knock-outs, over-expression, modified proteins What are uses of GM Plants? Commercial Applications Altered agronomic traits Disease/insect resistance Virus resistance Herbicide resistance Salt/drought tolerance Cold tolerance Enhanced yields, other quantitative traits Phytoremediation Other uses of GM Plants? Functional foods (humans and livestock) Today: Golden rice Vitamin A enriched Future directions: Boosted antioxidants Elevated content of specific minerals Removal of food allergens, carcinogens 过敏原 致癌物质 How to Modify a Plant(如何修饰植物?) 性状 质量遗传性状(qualitative genetic trait):由单基因控制的性状,如抗虫、抗病、抗除草剂等生物胁迫性状及耐寒、耐旱和耐暑等非生物胁迫性状。 数量遗传性状(quantitative genetic trait):由多基因控制的性状,如优质高产性状。 Plant Modification Getting to work(工作步骤) Cloning gene(克隆目的基因) Plant transformation(植物转化) Selection of transgenic plants(转基因植物的筛选) Screening for appropriate expression levels(适宜表达水平的筛选) Isolation of homozygous lines(纯合体的分离) Testing of plants(植物鉴定) Plant Modification Gene of interest(感兴趣的基因) Endogenous gene is your best choice Codon usage is important for non-plant genes Selection of cDNA versus genomic clones (n/a for RNAi) Plant Modification Cloning gene (克隆目的基因) Source – borrow, buy or build your own Involves amplification of the gene using PCR and insertion into a
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