首页 > 分享 > 植物多样性监测研究进展


摘要: 监测是植物保护工作的重要基础,也是管理者决策的重要依据,对生物资源的可持续利用和保护至关重要。本研究综述了植物多样性监测的进展,就未来的热点和方向进行了探讨。植物多样性监测正以全新的局面飞速发展,已经进入了智能化、宏观与微观结合、联网监测、大数据、大尺度、多学科、全方位、立体化、由物种水平扩展到科属水平、群落或生态系统层面的监测时代;生物多样性监测网络的建设促进了联网监测与核心监测指标体系的统一,网络资源成为植物多样性监测的大数据源。数据的标准化与有效利用、大数据共享、遗传多样性和个体物种水平监测是监测植物多样性的机遇和挑战。未来的生态监测是大尺度、智能化、统一化的监测,完善监测网络体系,寻找新方法、构建新模型,开展热点区域和优先物种监测,并兼顾群落或更大尺度,重视植物基础本底数据的收集,是今后监测的重点。

Abstract: Plant diversity monitoring is an essential basis for plant conservation and policy making, and is critical to the sustainable use and protection of biological resources. We reviewed the research progress on plant diversity monitoring, and proposed further research direction. Plant diversity monitoring is developing rapidly at a new situation, and enters a new era referring to intelligent, integration of macroscopic and microscopic, networked monitoring, big data, large-scale, multidisciplinary, all-dimensional, from species level to family level, community level or ecosystem level, and even the global level. The construction of biodiversity monitoring network promotes the uniform of essential biodiversity variables and networked monitoring. Internet information and database had become a main data source of plant diversity. There are many new challenges in plant diversity monitoring, including standardization, effective utilization and sharing of the monitoring data, as well as the monitoring for genetic diversity and individuals. Ecological monitoring would be large-scale, automated and standardized. Many things should be addressed in further research, including to improve the monitoring networks, to find innovative ways and build new models, to carry out monitoring at hotspots and give priority to important species as well as community or even larger scale, to pay more attention to the background investigation of plant resource.


生物多样性监测 — 植物
中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio) 成立二十周年学术研讨会召开

网址: 植物多样性监测研究进展 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview445433.html

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