首页 > 分享 > 软枣猕猴桃在中国的适生区分析及对未来气候变化的响应


王明田3, 4,
王茹琳1, 2, 4,,
1.中国气象局成都高原气象研究所/高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室 成都 610072
2.四川省农村经济综合信息中心 成都 610072
3.四川省气象台 成都 610072
4.南方丘区节水农业研究四川省重点实验室 成都 610066
5.四川农业大学农学院 成都 611130
基金项目: 高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室科技发展基金项目Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province-2018-Key-05-04
高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室科技发展基金项目Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province-2018-Youth-31


作者简介:赵金鹏, 主要从事应用气象与气象服务工作。E-mail:421508153@qq.com
通讯作者:王茹琳, 主要从事气候变化与病虫害关系研究工作。E-mail:wrl_1986_1@163.com






Climatic suitable area analysis and response to climate change of Actinidia arguta in China

ZHAO Jinpeng1, 2,,
WANG Yanli2,
LU Xingli2,
SHEN Zhanhong2,
WANG Mingtian3, 4,
LI Qing5,
WANG Rulin1, 2, 4,,
1. Institute of Plateau Meteorological, China Meteorology Administration/Heavy Rain and Drought-Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610072, China
2. Rural Economic Information Center of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610072, China
3. Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu 610072, China
4. Water-Saving Agriculture in Southern Hill Area Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610066, China
5. College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
Funds: the Fund of Heavy Rain and Drought-Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan ProvinceKey Laboratory of Sichuan Province-2018-Key-05-04
the Fund of Heavy Rain and Drought-Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan ProvinceKey Laboratory of Sichuan Province-2018-Youth-31
the National Modern Agricultural Industrial System "Innovation Team of Fruit in Sichuan Province of Integrated Control of Diseases and Pests of Kiwifruit"2013-2018

More Information

Corresponding author:WANG Rulin, E-mail:wrl_1986_1@163.com


访问统计 摘要

摘要:对软枣猕猴桃在中国的适生区进行分析,旨在为软枣猕猴桃资源调查、保护、开发利用和引种栽培提供参考依据。采用生态位建模软件MaxEnt(maximum entropy model),结合ArcGIS(geographic information system)软件,研究影响软枣猕猴桃分布的关键环境因子及取值范围,预测当前气候状态及未来不同气候变化背景下软枣猕猴桃在中国的适生区。研究结果表明:影响软枣猕猴桃分布的关键环境因子有6个,其重要程度依次为:7月降水量> 4月均温>温度季节性变化标准差> 3月均温>最暖季降水量>海拔。当前情景下,软枣猕猴桃在中国的高适生区总面积为9.287×105 km2,主要集中于东北东南部、华北东南部、华东北部和东南部、华中西部及西南东部;中适生区总面积为1.786×106 km2,主要分布在东北中部和南部、华北南部、华东北部和南部、华东北部、西南西部及华南北部。在只考虑气候因子和海拔高度的情况下,RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,预测2070s软枣猕猴桃在中国的高适生区面积分别增加3.758×105 km2、1.725×105 km2和6.300×103 km2,而中适生区面积在RCP2.6减少1.902×105 km2,在RCP4.5、RCP8.5分别增加2.617×105 km2和9.760×104 km2。RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,高适生区和总适生区的质心到2070s将向东北移动;RCP8.5情景下,高适生区质心向东北移动,总适生区中心将向东南移动。研究分别对当前及未来3种不同情景下软枣猕猴桃在中国的适生区进行了10次预测,预测结果的AUC(Area Under Curve)平均值均高于0.98,表明此模型预测结果具有较高的可靠性。
Abstract:Actinidia arguta is suitable for growing in a cool and humid environment. Compared with other species, A. arguta has higher nutritional and medicinal value and is also resistant to diseases, pests, drought, and cold. Determining a climactically suitable area for A. arguta may provide a reference for its investigation, protection, development, utilization, and cultivation in China. The MaxEnt (maximum entropy model) and ArcGIS (geographic information system) were used to study the key environmental factors and value range affecting the distribution of A. arguta. Predictions for suitable areas were performed under current and future climate scenarios. Environmental factors were tested for significance (via Jackknife), correlations were determined (via Pearson correlation coefficient), and six key environmental factors affecting the distribution of A. arguta were found (listed in order of significance): precipitation in July > mean temperature in April > temperature seasonality > mean temperature in March > precipitation during the warmest quarter > altitude. Presently, the total highly-suitable area is 9.287×105 km2 and is concentrated in the east of Southwest China, the west of Central China, the southeast of North China, the north and southeast of East China, and the southeast of Northeast China. The total moderately suitable area, distributed around the highly suitable area, is 1.786×106 km2. Representative concentration pathways (RCP) (i.e., future climate scenarios) predicted that the highly suitable areas will increase (RCP2.6=3.758×105 km2, RCP4.5=1.725×105 km2, and RCP8.5=6.300×103 km2), the moderately suitable areas will decrease in the RCP2.6 by 1.902×105 km2, while it will increase in the RCP4.5 and RCP8.7 (RCP4.5=2.617×105 km2, and RCP8.5=9.760×104 km2). In the RCP2.6 and RCP4.5 scenarios, the geometric center of the highly suitable areas and the total suitable areas will move to the northeast by the 2070s. In the RCP8.5 scenario, the geometric center of the highly suitable areas will move to the northeast, but the geometric center of the total suitable area will move to the southeast by the 2070s. The MaxEnt model was used to predict suitable cultivation areas for A. arguta in the present day and future climate scenarios. All of the 'area under the curve' (AUC) averages were higher than 0.98, indicating high reliability of the predicted model results.
Key words:Actinidia arguta/
Suitable area/
Response to climate change/
MaxEnt model/
Environmental factors/


Figure1.Relationship diagram of the probability of species' existence and key factors affecting the geographical distribution of Actinidia argute

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Figure2.ROC curves of MaxEnt model of Actinidia argute under three climate change scenarios

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Figure3.Potentially suitable distribution areas of Actinidia arguta in China under the current scenarios

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A: 2050s RCP2.6; B: 2070s RCP2.6; C: 2050s RCP4.5; D: 2070s RCP4.5; E: 2050s RCP8.5; F: 2070s RCP8.5.
Figure4.Potentially suitable distribution of Actinidia arguta in China under the future scenarios

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图5未来情景下软枣猕猴桃适生区质心迁移轨迹(A:高适生区; B:总适生区)
Figure5.Shift distance of the distribution center of Actinidia arguta under the future scenarios (A: highly suitable area; B: total suitable area)

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Table1.Pearson's correlation coefficients of dominant environmental factors affecting the geographical distribution of Actinidia argute

Environmental factor 7月降水量
Precipitation in July (Prec7) 4月均温
Average temperature in April (Tmean4) 温度季节性变化标准差
Temperature seasonality (Bio4) 3月均温
Average temperature in March (Tmean3) 最暖季降水
Precipitation of warmest quarter (Bio18) 4月均温
Average temperature in April (Tmean4) -0.119** 温度季节性变化标准差
Temperature seasonality (seasonal temperature standard deviation×100) (Bio4) -0.209** 0.084** 3月均温
Average temperature in March (Tmean3) -0.054** 0.427** -0.243** 最暖季降水
Precipitation of warmest quarter (Bio18) 0.071** -0.038** 0.053** -0.069** 海拔
Altitude (Alt) 0.155** -0.128** -0.458** 0.064** 0.014**

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Table2.Suitable ranges of dominant environmental factors affecting the potentially geographical distribution of Actinidia argute

Environmental factor and description 单位
Unit 适宜范围
Suitable range 最适值
Optimum value Prec7 7月降水量?Precipitation in July mm 142.3~408.2 213.4 Bio4 温度季节性变化标准差
Temperature seasonality (seasonal temperature standard deviation×100) ℃ 54.5~123.9 84.4 Bio18 最暖季降水?Precipitation of the warmest quarter mm 392.2~1126 662.3 Tmean3 3月均温?Average temperature in March ℃ -2.1~16.1 7.3 Tmean4 4月均温?Average temperature in April ℃ 6.5~19.1 15.3 Alt 海拔?Altitude m 140.8~3 929.6 845.1

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Table3.Main suitable provinces and area of Actinidia arguta under the current scenario ?

×104 km2
Region 省份
Province 面积?Area 低适生区
Slightly suitable 中适生区
Moderately Suitable 高适生区
Highly suitable 西南
Southwest China 四川?Sichuan 4.57 20.82 14.62 贵州?Guizhou 0.02 4.71 11.23 重庆?Chongqing 0.01 2.64 6.22 陕西?Shaanxi 8.66 4.84 5.09 西藏?Tibet 12.15 5.43 1.38 东北
Northeast China 辽宁?Liaoning 0.74 8.38 6.54 吉林?Jilin 6.21 8.88 5.97 黑龙江?Heilongjiang 31.94 11.97 0.14 华北
North China 河北?Hebei 6.99 7.80 4.85 山西?Shanxi 3.36 7.86 4.73 华东
East China 安徽?Anhui 4.15 6.92 2.29 山东?Shandong 4.57 7.09 3.73 浙江?Zhejiang 2.98 3.07 3.30 福建?Fujian 2.50 6.45 1.84 江苏?Jiangsu 6.10 3.54 0.05 华中
Central China 湖北?Hubei 3.79 6.87 6.90 河南?Henan 1.55 11.93 2.65 湖南?Hunan 4.44 8.11 6.71

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Table4.Potentially suitable areas of Actinidia arguta under the future scenarios?

×104 km2
Decade 气候情景
Climate scenario 低适生区
Slightly suitable area 中适生区
Moderately suitable area 高适生区
Highly suitable area 当前
Current (1950-2000) — 215.88 178.59 92.87 21世纪50年代
2050s RCP2.6 197.86 170.01 105.63 RCP4.5 178.43 186.24 124.77 RCP8.5 197.17 168.95 119.26 21世纪70年代
2070s RCP2.6 217.16 121.99 130.45 RCP4.5 192.37 187.51 110.12 RCP8.5 180.59 187.72 93.50

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气候变化对灯盏花(Erigeron breviscapus)在中国潜在适生区的影响

网址: 软枣猕猴桃在中国的适生区分析及对未来气候变化的响应 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview500927.html

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