首页 > 分享 > 微藻生物固碳技术在碳中和中的应用及潜在价值


摘要: 在“双碳目标”背景下,碳中和将对未来30年人类的经济、社会、科技开发和生活方式产生深远的影响。碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)作为碳达峰、碳中和技术的重要组成部分,是减少CO2排放的关键措施和技术。微藻CCUS技术通过光合作用固定CO2并生成高附加值产品,具有环境友好及资源可持续利用的优势。基于碳捕集、利用技术现状,重点阐述了微藻生物固定CO2技术的应用潜力,分析了CO2在养殖体系内的溶解传输及转化过程,深入讨论了提高微藻固碳效率的有效手段,包括强化CO2传质、高效反应器的优化调控等,并对信息化技术助力微藻高效养殖生产进行了介绍;此外,还总结了微藻生物质在生物能源、蛋白替代及高价值产品等领域的多元化利用途径;最后,系统探讨了微藻生物固碳技术的经济可行性、市场前景及成本优化的策略,以期推动微藻CCUS技术在碳中和中发挥更多作用。

关键词: 微藻, 碳捕集、利用与封存, 气液传质, 养殖系统, 经济可行性

Abstract: In the context of “Dual-carbon targets”, carbon neutrality will have a profound impact on the development of economy, society, technology and lifestyle of human in the next thirty years. To achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is a key measure to reduce CO2 emissions. The CCUS technology based on microalgae could convert CO2 to high value-added biomass through photosynthesis, which has the advantages of environmentally-friendly and resource sustainability. Based on the current status of numerous carbon capture and utilization technologies, this article focused on summarizing the application potential of CO2 removing by microalgae, the dissolution, transport and transformation process of CO2 in the aquaculture system. The effective methods to improve the carbon sequestration efficiency of microalgae were discussed, including enhancing CO2 mass transfer and optimizing the regulation of efficient reactor, and the assistance of information technology in the efficient cultivation and production of microalgae was also introduced. The diversified utilization pathways of microalgae biomass in many fields such as bio-energy, protein substitution and high-value products were summarized. Finally, the economic feasibility, market prospects, and cost optimization strategies were systematically discussed in order to promote the application of CCUS technology by microalgae in carbon neutrality.

Key words: microalgae, CCUS, gas-liquid mass transfer, breeding system, economic feasibility


技术固碳 如何“变废为宝”?

网址: 微藻生物固碳技术在碳中和中的应用及潜在价值 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview508512.html

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