摘要: 以菊科2种入侵植物飞机草(Chromolaena odorata(L.) R.M.King&H.Rob)和紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum Speng)以及生活型相似的3种本地植物异叶泽兰(Eupatorium heterophyllum DC.)、佩兰(Eupatorium fortune Turcz.)和白头婆(Eupatorium japonicum Thunb.)为研究对象,以单种为对照,分析5种植物的株高、生物量以及细根形态和结构特征对混种(竞争)的响应。结果显示,在单种情况下,2种入侵植物的株高和地上生物量比3种本地植物高。2种入侵植物的株高和地上生物量在单种和混种下无显著差异,但在混种下3种本地植物的株高、地上生物量、根生物量、细根长度、细根表面积和体积与单种相比显著降低。在混种情况下,2种入侵植物的根组织密度显著降低,但比根长和比根面积仅在紫茎泽兰中显著增加。5种植物在单种和混种下的株高与细根长度、根生物量呈显著正相关,地上生物量与细根体积、表面积呈显著正相关。主成分分析结果表明入侵植物位于株高和地上生物量更高的一端。说明在与本地植物竞争的过程中,飞机草和紫茎泽兰能通过调整根系碳投资策略实现更强的竞争力。
关键词: 生物入侵 / 飞机草 / 竞争 / 紫茎泽兰 / 细根Abstract: High competitiveness is vital for successful invasion by invasive plants. Previous studies related to invasive species competitiveness have primarily focused on aboveground properties, with research on root traits, which are responsible for water and nutrient uptake, remaining limited. To reveal the responses of height, biomass, and fine root traits to mixed planting (competition), we investigated two invasive species (Chromolaena odoratum (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob and Eupatorium adenophorum Speng) and three native species (Eupatorium heterophyllum DC., Eupatorium fortune Turcz., and Eupatorium japonicum Thunb.) with similar life forms from Asteraceae. Monocultures were applied as controls. Results showed that under monoculture, the two invasive species had higher values for height and shoot biomass than the three native species. However, no significant differences were found in height and aboveground biomass for the two invasive species between monoculture and mixed planting treatments. Compared with the monoculture treatments, height, aboveground biomass, fine root biomass, length, surface area, and volume were significantly reduced in the three native species under mixed planting. Furthermore, root tissue density in the two invasive species was significantly reduced under mixed planting; in addition, specific root length and specific root area were significantly increased in E. adenophorum Speng. Across the five species under monoculture and mixed planting treatments, plant height was significantly positively correlated with fine root length and root biomass, and shoot biomass was significantly positively correlated with fine root volume and surface area. Principle component analysis showed that the two invasive plants were located at the end with greater plant height and shoot biomass. In summary, the above results suggest that the two invasive plants, C. odoratum and E. adenophorum, showed strong competitiveness against the native species by modifying their carbon investment strategies in roots, especially at the seedling stage.
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外来植物入侵对当地土壤微生物的作用研究 微生物 土壤 入侵 植物 作用
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