摘要: 农业生产中合理施用有机肥对实现化肥零增长、提高土壤肥力和保证粮食稳产高产至关重要。本试验在辽宁省沈阳市稻田以‘沈农9816’为供试材料,设置7种不同处理,分别为不施氮肥(CK)、低氮150 kg·hm-2(LN)、中氮240 kg·hm-2(MN)、高氮330 kg·hm-2(HN)、中氮有机肥替代10%(OMN10)、中氮有机肥替代20%(OMN20)、中氮有机肥替代30%(OMN30),研究施肥对水稻光合速率、氮素吸收、氮素利用率和产量等的影响,以探寻最佳有机肥配施方案。结果表明: 提高施氮肥水平能够提高水稻光合速率、生物量和产量,但显著降低了氮肥利用效率。与中氮处理相比,灌浆期OMN10和OMN20处理光合速率显著提高22.9%和9.9%;OMN20处理水稻增产3.8%,差异显著,氮肥农学利用率提高8.1%,氮肥生理利用率提高13.3%。与高氮处理相比,OMN20处理氮肥农学利用率和生理利用率分别提高27.2%和37.2%。有机肥替代处理可以在减少化学氮肥施用的同时,维持土壤肥力,实现高产高效,尤其是有机肥替代20%处理最优,为推荐施肥方式。
关键词: 有机肥替代, 光合作用, 氮肥利用率, 产量
Abstract: Rational application of organic fertilizers is an effective approach to improve soil fertility, crop yield, and zero growth of chemical fertilizer in agricultural production. The rice variety ‘Shennong9816’ was planted in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, under seven different treatments: zero nitrogen fertilizer (CK), low nitrogen, 150 kg·hm-2(LN), medium nitrogen, 240 kg·hm-2 (MN), high nitrogen, 330 kg·hm-2(HN), medium nitrogen with replacement of chemical N by 10% organic manure (OMN10), medium nitrogen with replacement of chemical N by 20% organic manure (OMN20), and medium nitrogen with replacement of chemical N by 30% organic manure (OMN30). The effects of different treatments on photosynthetic rate, nitrogen absorption, nitrogen use efficiency, and yield were examined and the optimal fertilization scheme was determined. The results showed that the photosynthetic rate, biomass and yield were increased with the increases of nitrogen application rate, while the nitrogen use efficiency was decreased significantly. Compared with the MN treatment, the photosynthetic rate of OMN10 and OMN20 in filling stage was increased by 22.9% and 9.9%, respectively. The yield of OMN20 was increased by 3.8% compared to that of MN. The nitrogen agronomic efficiency and physiological efficiency of OMN20 were significantly improved by 8.1% and 13.3%, respectively. Moreover, the nitrogen agronomic efficiency and physiological efficiency of OMN20 were improved by 27.2% and 37.2% compared with the HN treatment. Thus, we concluded that the organic fertilizer replacement treatment could conserve soil fertility, achieve high yield and high nitrogen use efficiency, while reduce chemical nitrogen fertilizer application. The OMN20 treatment was recommended as a fertilizer application model due to its superior performance among the seven treatments.
Key words: organic fertilizer replacement, photosynthetic rate, nitrogen use efficiency, yield
网址: 有机肥替代部分化肥对水稻光合速率、氮素利用率和产量的影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview612347.html
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