《中国化学会第十届全国天然有机化学学术会议论文集——第一分会场:天然产物分离和结构鉴定》 2014年
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Ai-Jiao Zhong Wen-Li Wang Xue-Zheng Li Ning Li Zhe Jiang 开通知网号
【摘要】:<正>Chrysanthemum as traditional herbal resource,has been also used as an important functional food for relief of hyperlipemia recently.To access the hypolipidemic activity of herbals from Chrysanthemum,C.indicum extract(CIE)and C.morifolium extract(CME)were examined in vivo.TC,TG,LDL-C,HDL-C levels were examined by enzymic method.The results showed that both
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网址: Study on hypolipidemic material composition of Chrysanthemum morifolium https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview616565.html
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