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Kali Coffee by Concéntrico

非常感谢  Concéntrico 予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于:  Concéntrico on gooood
Appreciation towards  Concéntrico for providing the following description:

Kali Coffee Roasters®是一家由cafetaleros(咖啡生产商)成立的墨西哥公司。凭借超过30年在墨西哥恰帕斯的农村地区种植高品质咖啡的经验,这种优质咖啡为世界各地的咖啡爱好者带来了更多选择。Kali在纳瓦特尔语中是“家”的意思,它体现了该公司的理念和信仰,这种农业文化的丰富性与价值观代代相传。生活、健康与教育在Kali Coffee Roasters®品牌理念中至关重要,以确保其团队中的每个成员都得到良好的照顾。

Kali Coffee Roasters® is a Mexican company established by cafetaleros  (coffee producers). With over 30 years of experience in growing high-quality coffee in rural areas around Chiapas, Mexico, this premium coffee will enrich cups around the world. Kali, which means home in the native language of Nahuatl, embodies the company’s philosophy and beliefs. The culture’s agricultural richness, and values have passed down through generations. This is why, the Kali Coffee Roasters® family makes sure that every member in its group is well taken care of; by providing living, health and education programs.

▼咖啡馆主入口,entrance of the cafe © Concéntrico

▼咖啡馆外观,exterior view of the cafe © Concéntrico


When analyzing the context and the living conditions of this community, we stumbled upon their homes which are constructed with wood and dirt walls with handmade clay tiles on the ceiling to protect themselves from the rain. Using this clay tiles as part of the interior design on the walls, not only conveys their ways of life, but also offers a unique and warm texture that will function as an ambiance trademark for the brand. Needless to say, this clay-piece arrangements and lattice have a very powerful impact on the eye; their curvature and material properties help absorb and deflect sound waves to help with the acoustics. When the light is set against the texture, it acquires depth and its curved shadows resemble coffee beans, connecting the space to the product.

▼室内概览,overall of interior © Concéntrico

▼墙壁上装饰了具有代表性的粘土瓦片,the walls are decorated with typical clay tiles © Concéntrico

▼粘土瓦片形成咖啡豆形状的阴影,the clay tiles create shadows shaped like coffee beans © Concéntrico

▼细部,details © Concéntrico


The coffee bar is located intentionally where every client can see it as it is the heart and soul of this project. The open and industrial-like design pro- motes amenable interactions between the customers and the staff, which gives the barista the perfect stage to become a performer. We know time is of the essence, which is why it played a very significant role in this concept. It got portrayed with the walnut wood used at the base of the bar and booths. Its grain resembles the grounds layers which document the passing of time. Reminding us of how long it takes to prepare a land to harvest.

▼咖啡吧台是本项目的核心和灵魂,the coffee bar is located intentionally where every client can see it © Concéntrico

▼由座位区看咖啡吧台,viewing the coffee bar from the seating area © Concéntrico

经过漫长的种植、生长、采摘、挑选、制浆、发酵、干燥、分拣、碾磨、分级、拔罐、分发、烘焙、包装、研磨、酿造,最终做出一杯完美的咖啡。以上这些过程都是于Finca La Fortaleza以可持续的方式完成的,这里生产的咖啡得到了雨林联盟的认证;它们不仅能够促进生物多样性和自然资源保护的发展,同时有效的规划和农场管理系统,也能够改善社区每位成员的生计,为人们带来福祉。

The rigorous time for planting, growing, picking, selecting, pulping the cherries, fermenting, drying, sorting, milling, grading, cupping, distributing, roasting, packaging, grinding, brewing and ultimately serving the perfect cup. All of this is done sustainably by Finca La Fortaleza, where the coffee being harvested is certified by the Rainforest Alliance; which promotes biodiversity and natural resource conservation, effective planning and farm management systems, and improving the livelihood and well-being of every member of the community.

▼座位区,seating area © Concéntrico

▼混凝土、木材、粘土瓦片以及绿植形成和谐统一的室内氛围,Concrete, wood, clay tiles and greenery create a harmonious atmosphere © Concéntrico

▼由座位区看向外摆区,viewing exterior from the seatings © Concéntrico

为了向这个完美而复杂的过程致敬,本项目内采用的所有的家具和灯具都是设计团队与Ok Design Studio合作定制设计的。在仔细观察材料、纺织品和当地的本土设计样式后,设计师们将它们重新诠释并创造了这些独特的家居作品。在本项目中,设计将各种有形和无形的概念结合在一起,转化为记忆、情感与知觉,展现给前来Kali咖啡馆的人们。一杯简单的咖啡承载了多种感官的相遇,把每位顾客带到一切开始的地方。

In homage to this detailed and impeccable process, all furniture and light fixtures where custom-designed in collaboration with Ok Design Studio. This was done through a meticulous process of observing the materials, textiles and local designs and reinterpreting them into unique pieces. Through these tangible and intangible concepts which are translated into memories, feelings and sensations, is that Kali Coffee Roasters® is experienced. One cup at a time, this multi-sensorial encounter, takes each customer to the land where it all began.

▼家具细部,detail of furniture © Concéntrico

▼平面图,plan © Concéntrico

▼剖面图,sections © Concéntrico

(Concept and Interior Design)
Alejandro Peña Villarreal (Head Architect)
Ana Rebeca Mata Ureño (Architect)
José María Cuevas (Architect)
Chiara Bartolacelli (Interior Design)
Andrea Verastegui (Industrial Design)
May Cisneros (Industrial Design)
Ok Design
(in Collaboration – Furniture Design)
Silvia Elizondo Barrera (Industrial Design)
Octavio Torres Gándara (Industrial Design)
Julian Martinez
Julian Martinez (Lead Contractor)
Alejandro González (Construction Manager)
Rosendo Acosta (Electician)
Esteban de la Rosa (Steel Work)
The Raws (Architecture Photography)
Apertura Arquitectónica (Architecture Photography)
Grupo Meraki (Brand & Aditional Photos)
instagram – @concentrico_
web – www.concentrico.mx
mail – media@concentrico.mx

More: Concéntrico。更多关于:  Concéntrico on gooood


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网址: Kali Coffee by Concéntrico https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview785035.html

上一篇: 花艺咖啡师为心情打造专属咖啡 中
下一篇: 很棒的咖啡店,