摘要: 以牡丹花瓣为原料,通过比较不同工艺组合对花瓣中黄酮、茶多酚、还原糖成分含量的影响,筛选出了制作牡丹花茶的最佳工艺组合为:在盛开期于上午采收花瓣,微波700 W杀青60 s,80℃热风干燥。按此工艺制作的牡丹花茶黄酮含量为2.79%、茶多酚含量16.32%、还原糖含量4.97%。通过加工工艺制作的牡丹花茶品质好,感官评价高。
关键词: 牡丹花茶 / 加工工艺 / 黄酮 / 茶多酚 / 还原糖Abstract: Using peony petals as the raw material, by comparing the influence of different processing combinations on the contents of flavone, tea polyphenol and reducing sugar in the petal, this study located the optimal processing combination for producing peony tea as follows: petals in the morning of peak blossom period was collected, microwave in 700 W for 60 s and the petals was dried in hot air at the temperature of 80 ℃. Part of composition of peony tea thus produced was 2.79% of flavone, 16.32% of tea polyphenol and 4.97% of reducing sugar.Such peony tea had fine quality and high sensory evaluation.
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