Vol. 28 No. 1 森林工程 第 28 卷第1 期 FOREST ENGINEERING Jan. , 2012 2012 年 1 月 民间花文化是持续推动广东花卉产业发展的新动力 张毓雄11 ,汤跃跃1 (1.惠州学院,广东惠州 516ω币; 2 西北农林科技大学,陕西杨凌712100) 摘 要:将调查数据以性别、年龄等自然特征进行匹自己分析,发现广东农村民间潜藏着丰富的非物质层面的花文化, 女性对花文化的传承具有明显优势,花卉在广东农村社会交往中已经融入民间的精神世界而成为表情达意的沟通媒介。发 挥女性对花文化的传承优势,凭借比邻港澳地缘空间,结合民间非物质层面的花文化宣传中国的传统节日、传统花卉,吸 纳世界的优秀礼仪文化,将有利于促进广东花卉产业的发展。民间花文化理应为广东花卉产业的新发展增添持续的不可替 代的文化动力。 关键词:民间花文化;花卉产业;发展动力 中图分类号: S 71 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1001 -005X (2012) 01 -0073 一 04 Folk Flower Culture is a New Driving Force to Promote Floral Industry Development in Guangdong 1 1 Zhang Yuxiong ,2 , Tang Yueyue (1. Huizhou University , Huizhou , Guangdong Province 516007; Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University , Yangling , Shanxi Province 712100; 2. Huizhou University , Huizhou , Guangdong Province 516007) Abstract: By analyzing the research data in the scope of gender , age and some other natural characteristics , it is found that there exists profound nonmaterial folk floral culture in rural Guangdong. Females are more likely to inherit this floral culture and that flowers , joined by local realm , have already become emotional communication media. 1t will promote the development of floral industrγiÌl Guang- dong 创ea if we take the best advantage of females dominant position in inheriting floral culture. By virtue of Guangdongs closeríess to the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions , it can prom
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网址: 民间花文化是持续推动广东花卉产业发展的新动力.pdf https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview335557.html
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