首页 > 分享 > 不同潮滩生境互花米草的植被性状与治理技术


摘要:互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)是我国滨海地区危害最严重的外来入侵物种之一,探索高效可行的互花米草治理技术对保护潮间带生态环境具有重要意义。基于对黄河三角洲的长期野外调查与原位试验,总结了不同互花米草治理技术的治理效果,于2018年6月中旬开始进行2~4次贴地刈割(根茬高度<3 cm,相邻刈割的间隔时间为15 d左右),可清除99%以上的互花米草,且治理效果在第2年生长季末期时仍高达98.8%以上;在2016年10月中旬、2018年12月中旬对互花米草进行刈割+翻耕,其治理效果在第2年生长季末期时为99.7%。在由海向陆方向上潮滩高程逐渐增加,土壤理化性质等环境因子随着潮滩高程增加而变化,互花米草密度、株高和生物量等植被性状随着高程增加先升后降。综合考虑互花米草生长特征、生境特征以及不同治理方法的治理效果,总结形成了适宜不同潮滩生境的互花米草治理技术体系,对于低潮滩、中潮滩和高潮滩的互花米草,建议分别采用贴地刈割、刈割+围淹、刈割+翻耕的治理技术,对于河道沟渠的互花米草,可根据河沟宽窄等因素采用刈割+翻耕或刈割+围淹的治理技术,对沟渠坡面的互花米草,可采用刈割+遮荫的治理技术。

关键词:入侵 / 刈割 / 围淹 / 翻耕 / 克隆苗 / 实生苗 

Abstract:Spartina alterniflora is one of the most harmful alien invasive species in the coastal areas of China. It is of great significance to explore efficient and feasible control technology of S. alterniflora to protect the intertidal ecological environment. Based on the long-term field investigation and in-situ experiments in the Yellow River Delta, this study revealed the efficacies of different control techniques of S. alterniflora. From the middle of June, 2018, 2 to 4 times of mowing (the stubble height was less than 3cm, and the interval between adjacent mowing events was approximately 15 days) could eliminate more than 99% of S. alterniflora, and the control efficacy was still as high as 98.8% at the end of the second growing season. Mowing plus ploughing in mid-December resulted in a controlled efficacy of 99.7% at the end of the second growing season. The tidal flat elevation gradually increased from sea to land, and the environmental factors such as soil's physical and chemical properties changed accordingly. The density, plant height and biomass of S. alterniflora increased first and then decreased with the increase of elevation. Considering the growth characteristics, habitat characteristics of S. alterniflora and the efficacies of different control techniques, a control technology system of S. alterniflora suitable for different tidal flat habitats was summarized. In the low tidal flat, middle tidal flat and high tidal flat, mowing close to the ground, mowing plus waterlogging, and mowing plus tilling were recommended, respectively. For S. alterniflora in river channels or ditches, mowing plus tilling or mowing plus waterlogging were recommended according to the factors, such as the width of the channels or ditches. For S. alterniflora on the ditch slope, mowing plus shading was recommended.

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互花米草治理攻关 推进黄河三角洲湿地生态系统保护
“斩草除根”换来好生态 探索互花米草治理的“东营方案”

网址: 不同潮滩生境互花米草的植被性状与治理技术 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview400658.html

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