首页 > 分享 > 响应面优化西兰花中萝卜硫素复合提取工艺


摘要: 以西兰花鲜食部分绿色幼嫩花茎和花蕾为实验材料,利用响应面对添加剂和超声波辅助酶解西兰花提取萝卜硫素工艺进行优化。实验在单因素基础上选取四种添加剂抗坏血酸、EDTA、Mg SO4、CaCl2,根据Central Composite中心复合实验设计原理采用四因素三水平的响应面分析法,确定各因素对萝卜硫素提取率的影响程度,获得该四因素最佳提取条件为:抗坏血酸4.659 mmol/L,EDTA 6 mmol/L,Mg SO4 8.5 mmol/L,Ca Cl24.0 mmol/L,萝卜硫素理论最大提取率达1858.20μg/g。经实验验证达1813.26μg/g,其相对误差为2.48%,表明该提取工艺参数在西兰花中提取萝卜硫素是可行的。 

关键词: 萝卜硫素  /  酶解  /  添加剂  /  单因素  /  响应面  

Abstract: The green young stems and buds of broccoli were used as experimental material,the enzymolysis condition of sulforaphane extraction from broccoli was optimized by response surface method. According to central composite experiment design principle and using response surface analysis of four factors and three levels,four additives including ascorbic acid,EDTA,Mg SO_4,Ca Cl_2 were chosen on the basis of the single factor to determine the impact of various factors on the extraction rate of sulforaphane. The optimum extraction conditions were as follows:ascorbic acid 4.659 mg/g,EDTA 6 mmol/L,Mg SO_4 8.5 mmol/L,Ca Cl_2 4.0 mmol/L.The theoretical maximum extraction rate of sulforaphane was 1858.20 μg/g,and the value reached 1813.26 μg/g in the experiment,the relative error was 2.48%,which indicated that the extraction process parameter above was feasible in sulforaphane extraction from broccoli.


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