摘要: 以西兰花子叶愈伤组织为实验材料,利用响应面法对西兰花愈伤组织萝卜硫素的提取工艺进行优化。在单因素实验基础上选取实验因素与水平,根据中心组合(Box-Benhnken)实验设计原理采用四因素三水平的响应面分析法,依据回归分析确定各工艺条件的影响因素,以愈伤组织中萝卜硫素提取率为响应值作响应面和等高线。在分析各个因素的显著性和交互作用后,得出浸提愈伤组织中萝卜硫素的最佳工艺条件为:温度25.7℃、固液比1:30(g/mL)、浸提时间2.8h、提取次数3次。在此条件下萝卜硫素产量实测值为0.0067%(理论值为0.0078%),说明采用响应面法优化得到的提取条件可靠。
Abstract: Using broccoli callus as experimental material, based on single factor tests, through Box-Benhnken central combination design and RSM were obtained the optimum extraction conditions of sulforaphane.The results showed that the optimum extraction conditions were the extraction temperature 25.7℃, the extraction time 2.8h, the liquid solid ratio 1:30 (g/mL) , the extraction times 3.The test value was 0.0067% under the above conditions (theory value was 0.0078%) , that optimize the use of response surface method of the extraction conditions were reliable.
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网址: 响应面分析法优化西兰花离体细胞系萝卜硫素提取工艺 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview589686.html
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