摘要: 以超级杂交稻“Ⅱ优航2 号”为试验材料, 大田条件下, 水稻拔节期~始穗期设置55%和85%两个遮光处理, 以全生育期自然光为对照, 对花前光照亏缺条件下水稻物质积累及生理特性进行研究。结果表明, 花前光照亏缺极显著地降低了水稻产量, 遮光55%和85%处理的产量比自然光对照分别降低48.25%和70.54%, 产量降低主要是由于单位面积有效穗数和穗粒数降低; 但结实率在各处理之间无显著差异; 生物产量和收获指数显著下降。花前光照亏缺抑制了花前物质的积累、运转率、对籽粒贡献率, 并随着强度增加, 受抑制程度加大。生理特性研究结果表明, 随光照亏缺程度增加, 水稻叶片硝酸还原酶活性、净光合速率和稻株伤流量受抑制程度增加, 丙二醛含量增加幅度加大。光照亏缺引起了功能叶片光合性能、膜系统及根系活力等功能的全面弱化、紊乱、衰变, 并引起光合产物运输受阻, 降低了叶面积扩展速率, 总叶面积减少, 净同化率下降, 从而导致水稻光合生产能力的下降, 干物质生产量减少, 最终导致水稻产量显著降低。
Abstract: To lay the scientific basis for super rice production in light-poor areas, an experiment was conducted under real field conditions. The experiment used a super-hybrid rice combination “II Youhang 2” to study the effects of pre-flowering light deficiency on rice biomass production and physiology. In the experiment, shading rates were set at 55% and 85% from jointing through initial heading stage. Natural light condition was set as the control of the experiment. The results showed that yield of light deficient treatments (shading rates of 55% and 85%) dropped significantly by 48.25% and 70.54% compared with the control. The drop was mainly due to fewer numbers of spikes per plant and grains per panicle. There was no significant difference in seed setting rate between the control and shading treatments. Compared with the control, biomass and harvest index of light deficient treatments also significantly dropped. This was attributed to restrained net assimilation rate (NAR) and leaf area index (LAI), which significantly retarded crop growth rate. There were inhibited pre-flowering dry matter accumulation, translocation and contribution to grain and vegetative organ under light deficiency. The inhibition was enhanced with increased intensity of light deficiency. Moreover, net photosynthetic rate, nitrate reductase activity and bleeding rate decreased and MDA content increased under pre-flowering light deficit, and the change was becoming more obvious under high shading intensity. Pre-flowering light deficit weakened photosynthesis, membrane system and root activity. It also blocked photosynthate transport, and restrained leaf growth and NAR. These factors limited photosynthetic produce capability, decreased biomass production and significantly dropped crop yield.
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