首页 > 分享 > 酶法辅助提取桂花精油工艺优化


摘要: 为提高桂花精油提取效果,本实验以桂花精油得率为评价指标,在研究单因素酶解温度、酶解时间、酶添加量、料液比、复合酶配比以及酶解p H对精油得率影响的基础上,利用响应面法优化了酶法处理桂花制备桂花精油的条件,并建立了多元二次回归模型。结果表明,当β-葡萄糖苷酶-果胶酶添加量为50.7 IU/g,β-葡萄糖苷酶占总酶活的48.3%,液料比20.3∶1,在p H4.6、46℃下水解2.7 h,桂花精油得率由不加酶的1.77%提高到2.75%,提高了55.37%。提升效果是单一使用β葡萄糖苷酶处理提升效果的1.30倍。GC-MS分析表明,复配酶处理桂花可以使精油中芳樟醇、β-紫罗兰酮、β-二氢紫罗兰酮、β-紫罗兰醇、γ-癸内酯、香叶醇、紫苏醇、橙花醇含量分别提高56.33%、4.38%、21.54%、169.07%、56.52%、230.92%、157.47%和154.41%,邻苯二甲酸酯类下降到16.97%。复配酶处理提高桂花精油得率的同时,也可以提高主要香气物质的含量,降低有害物质的含量,提高桂花精油的品质。 

关键词: 桂花精油  /  复合酶  /  水解  

Abstract: Yield of Osmanthus essential oil was to measure the improvement of Osmanthus essential oil extraction. In a single factor such as temperature, time, dosage, liquid ratio, ratio of β-glucosidase, and p H on the effect of the yield of essential oil, the response surface analysis was used to optimize the enzyme treatment conditions and the establishment of a reliable multiple quadratic regression model.The results showed that when the liquid to solid ratio of 20.3, enzyme dosage 50.7 IU/g including48.3% β-glucosidase, in 46 ℃, p H4.6 under reflux reaction 2.7 h, yield of Osmanthus essential oil could be raised from 1.77%to 2.75%, which was raised 55.35%.Compared with only β-glucosidase used, the yield was raised 1.30 times. L-linalool, β-ionone, dihydro-β-ionone, β-ionol, γ-decalactone, geraniol, perilla alcohol and nerol of the essential oil was increased by56.33%, 4.38%, 21.54%, 169.07%, 56.52%, 230.92%, 157.47%, 154.41% and 16.97% in the content of phthalate esters by GC-MS. The yield of enzyme-assisted extracting Osmanthus essential oil was improved while the content of main aroma components in Osmanthus oil could be increased and the content of harmful substances also could be reduced.Thus, the quality of the Osmanthus oil was improved.

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