首页 > 分享 > 基于微气候模拟的城市综合公园活动空间热舒适评价研究 ——以沈阳市万柳塘公园为例

基于微气候模拟的城市综合公园活动空间热舒适评价研究 ——以沈阳市万柳塘公园为例

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码上扫一扫!基于微气候模拟的城市综合公园活动空间热舒适评价研究 ——以沈阳市万柳塘公园为例董玉宽1, 张 哲2, 孙诗溢3, 王秋实4, 刘 骁51.沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院,教授;2.沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院,博士研究生;3.辽宁师范大学法学院,助教;4.沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院,实验师;5.(通讯作者):华南理工大学建筑学院,亚 热带建筑与城市科学全国重点实验室,副 教授,xiaoliu@scut.edu.cn 摘要: 随着城市化和新型城镇化的发展,城 市热岛效应不断加剧。城市绿地空间微气候环 境的热舒适性是影响人们户外活动的重要因 素,而综合公园是市民在城市绿色空间中进行不 同活动的集中选择。为了深入探讨综合公园不 同空间类型对居民热舒适性的调节作用,研究 以沈阳市万柳塘公园为研究对象,通过问卷调 查、现场实测和微气候模拟相结合的方式,评估 公园不同活动类型空间的热舒适度,校准居民 对热环境感知的中性温度和不同热等级的感知 范围。结果表明:不同类型活动空间的热舒适感知存在差异;研究基于MATLAB对微气候实测数据和模拟数据进行拟合,得到各类活动空间更 为准确的热舒适评价结果;通过研究确定了四类空间的生理等效温度(PET)等级及中性温度范 围,并基于此对各类空间的热舒适性进行评价。研究结果对城市公园景观设计具有重要意义,可 以帮助城市规划者和景观设计师在未来城市建设中科学地改善城市室外热环境。关键词:  城市公园  小气候  ENVI-met  热舒适 DOI:10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20230603 分类号: 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52178045、52108011);辽 宁省教育厅高等学校基本科研项目(LJKZ0555);中 央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(QNMS2022 11);广东省哲学社会科学规划2022年度项目(GD22 XGL02);广州市哲学社科规划2022年度课题(2022 GZQN14);广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2023 A1515011137) Thermal Comfort Evaluation of Activity Space in Urban Comprehensive Parks Based on Microclimate Simulation: A Case Study of Wanliutang Park in Shenyang CityDONG Yukuan,ZHANG Zhe,SUN Shiyi,WANG Qiushi,LIU Xiao Abstract: With the advancement of urbanization, urban functions are increasingly complex and urban heat island effect is intensifying. The contradiction between the diversified needs of citizens for activity space and the simple development of urban green space functions is becoming increasingly prominent. In the past few decades, the acceleration of urbanization and global warming have led to the intensification of urban heat island effect. International cities have put forward relevant concepts and coping strategies for high temperature hazards from the aspects of early warning, monitoring, prevention and control, policy and design practice. The thermal comfort of urban green space microclimate environment is an important factor affecting people’s outdoor activities, and comprehensive park is a concentrated choice for citizens to carry out different activities in urban green space. In this context, this paper combineds questionnaire survey, field measurement and microclimate simulation to study the thermal comfort changes of different activity types in Wanliutang Park, Shenyang in one day. It is found that different types of activity spaces will produce different thermal perception differences due to the differences in the activity mode and environment of the users. In order to further explore the all-day variation of thermal comfort values in different spaces, this paper fits the measured microclimate data and simulated data based on MATLAB, and finds the optimal function matching based on the minimum sum of squared errors, so as to obtain the minimum error data between the measured values and simulated values. Finally, more accurate thermal comfort evaluation results of various activity spaces are conducted. Finally, the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) grade and neutral temperature range of the four types of spaces are determined through the study, and the neutral PET value of each space is calculated as 23.93 ℃, 20.67 ℃, 23.68 ℃, 23.11 ℃. Based on this, the thermal comfort of various spaces is evaluated. In this study, the thermal comfort rating of different activity spaces in Wanliutang, Shenyang, is more targeted, which can better help users assess the environment, clarify the thermal environment benchmark of various activity spaces in the comprehensive park, and provide references for the improvement of residents’ outdoor activities and comfort. The research results are of great significance to the landscape design of urban parks, and can help urban planners and landscape designers scientifically improve the outdoor thermal environment and thermal comfort in the future urban construction. In the future outdoor thermal comfort research, it should make up for the shortcomings of this study, understand the changes of human thermal sensation more comprehensively and accurately, and provide more comfortable and healthy urban green space for urban residents. Key words:  Urban Parks  Microclimate  ENVI-met  Thermal Comfort 相似文献(共20条):[1] 余洋,曾庆蕾,陆书铎.中国城市街道的热舒适研究框架:地域差异、指标阈值和影响因素[J].园林,2023(8):83-91.[2] 基于微气候及热舒适性的城市更新项目优化研究[J].城市建筑[3] 寒冷地区过渡季节下室外环境热舒适研究[J].低温建筑技术[4] 张艺凡,孙世界.城市公园对文化消费空间集聚的影响研究 ——以成都主城为例[J].中国园林,2023,39(8):83.[5] 王思骄.冬季微气候条件下城市公园适老性研究[J].低温建筑技术,2023(4):26-29+33.[6] 基于舒适性的城市公共空间设计策略研究——以西安某公园夏季调研与测试分析为例[J].四川建材[7] 周志强,董 靓.感知控制对湿热地区户外庭园空间 热舒适性的影响——以华侨大学“世外· 花缘”生活实验室为例[J].中国园林,2022,38(11):100.[8] 城市开放性公园老年人休闲活动时空特征研究——基于夏冬两季沈阳市老年人公园活动实态调查[J].建筑学报[9] 姜芊孜,王广兴,李金煜.城市公园生态系统文化服务的公众感知研究——以济南市主城区城市公园为例[J].风景园林,2022,29(2):127-133.[10] 韩贵锋,王运鑫,程晓雪.城市公园景观感知效应动态评价方法 ——基于景观视觉与热舒适性的叠加研究[J].中国园林,2021,37(5):38.[11] 席天宇,雷永生.严寒地区城市公园人群冬夏两季热舒适差异性研究[J].建筑科学,2021,37(6):52-60.[12] 热舒适指标在湿热地区城市室外空间的适用性[J].建筑科学[13] 王一,彭智凯.城市街区热舒适性与空间行为关联性研究[J].住宅科技,2018(1).[14] 余思奇,朱喜钢,孙 洁,何 谦,周家宇.美国城市公园评价体系的内容、应用 及启示——以ParkScore指数为例[J].中国园林,2020,36(3):103.[15] 王昭俊,王羽珊,吉玉辰,张腾,刘畅.农宅火炕采暖环境热舒适温度与影响因素分析[J].建筑科学,2021,37(6):122-129.[16] 成都市旧城住区广场微气候调查分析[J].四川建筑[17] 寒地城市公园春季休闲体力活动水平与微气候热舒适关联研究[J].中国园林[18] 交通影响下的北京城市公园边界空间小气候调节作用实测研究与改善策略[J].华中建筑[19] 铁路客站广场微气候优化方法研究——基于疏散安全和热舒适兼顾的设计探索[J].中国园林[20] 西北民居冬季睡眠被褥微气候研究[J].建筑科学


基于微气候模拟的城市综合公园活动空间热舒适评价研究 ——以沈阳市万柳塘公园为例

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