1、第七章 植物的成花生理(The Control of Flowering) 1 花器官发育 2 成花诱导内因与外因 3 幼年期转变为成年期的特点 4 成花诱导外因 1) 光周期现象:昼夜节律 5 成花诱导外因 2) 春化作用: 低温诱导植物开花 6 营养及其它条件对成花的影响 7 春化与光周期理论在生产实践中的应用,1 花器官发育 1-1 花器官结构花轮 (whorls),萼片sepal,花瓣petal,雄蕊stamen,雌蕊carpel,拟南芥两性花结构,花器官决定基因的突变显著地改变了花的结构 (A) 野生型表现出正常的花器官结构(四种结构齐全) (B) apetala2-2 突变体缺少萼片和花瓣 (C) pistillata2 突变体缺少花瓣和雄蕊 (D) agamous1 突变体缺少雄蕊和雌蕊,1-2 不同类型的同源基因决定花器官结构: 花器官决定基因 (Floral organ identity genes ),FIGURE 25.5,雄蕊 雌蕊 花瓣 萼片,:三类花器官决定基因A, B and C齐备,1-3 ABC模型揭示花器官形成决定, ABC模型 (1991年提出)解
2、释了 同源基因如何控制花器官的形成 ABC模型假定 每层花轮的器官形成决定取决于 三种不同类型的同源花基因 (A, B and C)活动的组合方式, ABC模型认为: (1) A类基因的表达诱导萼片的发育 (2) A类基因和B类基因共同表达诱导花瓣的发育 (3) B类基因和C类基因共同表达诱导雄蕊的发育 (4) C类基因的表达诱导雌蕊的发育 The model further proposes that A- and C-type 基因彼此还互为级联基因 (Cadastral genes) 除了作为花器官决定基因 (Floral organ identity genes) A型和C型基因的作用在空间上受到彼此的相互抑制 thus 限制A- and C-type 基因在特定的花轮层上表达,results in the expansion of A function into the third and forth whorls,results in the expansion of C function into the first and second whorls,results i
3、n the expression of only A(1,2) and C(3,4) functions,There are three types of gene, their combination of activities and spatial expression achieve the goal of formation of floral organ identity in the designated location of whorl (1) A型(AP2)基因活动独立决定萼片的形成。 (2) A型(APl/AP2)和B型(AP3/PI)基因活动的组合决定花瓣形成。 (3) B型(AP3/PI)和C型(AG)基因活动的组合决定雄蕊形成。 (4) C型(AG) 基因活动独立决定雌蕊形成。 (5) B型基因在第二、三层花轮中表达;因为 A- and C-type 基因互为级联基因,限制了 A型(AP1 and AP2) 基因的活性只能在花轮第一、二层中表达;而C型基因的活性只在第三、四层花轮中表达。,ABC model is responsible for the co
4、mpletion of floral,Thus functionally we have two types of genes that regulate floral development (1) 花器官决定基因(Floral organ identity genes) 他们的活动组合决定了花器官身份的表达 (2) 级联基因(Cadastral genes) 花器官决定基因 的空间调控子 决定其在各花轮层中的表达, 即A和C型基因在空间上的相互抑制,However, if ABC genes (floral organ identity genes) are all deleted.,FIGURE 25.7 A quadruple mutant (ap1, ap2, ap3/pi, ag) results in the production of leaf-like structures in the four layers of whorl in place of normal floral organs, sepal, petal, stamen and carpel.,Thr
5、ee types of genes regulate floral development (1) 花器官决定基因(Floral organ identity genes) 他们的活动组合决定了花器官身份的表达 (2) 级联基因(Cadastral genes) 花器官决定基因 的空间调控子 决定其在各花轮层中的表达, 即A和C型基因在空间上的相互抑制 (3) 分生组织决定基因(Meristem identity genes) 决定花分生组织(花轮)的形成, 并决定花器官决定基因的启动,The question is when the floral development begins,that is when Meristem identity genes from off to switch on?,2 成花诱导: 内因与外因 自主调节型成花 Annual plants such as groundsel (Senecio vulgaris; 欧洲千里光) may flower within a few weeks after germinating Alternatively,
6、some perennial plants, such as many forest trees may grow for 20 or more years before they begin to produce flowers Different species flower at widely different ages indicating that the age, or perhaps the size, of the plant is an internal factor controlling the switch from 营养生长 to 生殖生长 这种情况植物的开花严格受控于植物的内在发育因素,而不受到环境因素的影响,称为植物成花的自主调节(autonomous regulation ),(2) 环境质变型成花 与自主调节型成花相反 some plants exhibit an absolute requirement for the proper environmental cues(环境条件)in order to flower 这种植物成花对于环境条件表现出
7、质变反应(qualitative response ) (3) 环境量变型成花 (自主调节+环境信号) = most of plants 在其他植物种类中 成花受到特定环境条件的促进 但就算没有这种环境条件植物也会最终成花 这种植物成花对于环境条件表现出量变反应(quantitative response ) The flowering of this latter group of plants thus relies on both environmental and autonomous flowering systems, 季节与植物花期密切相关 The phenomenon poses fundamental questions: How do plants respond to the seasonal change to bloom at their appointed season?, 通过光周期(photoperiodism)和春化作用(vernalization) are two of the most important mechanisms for season
8、al responses (1) 光周期是植物对一天24h内白天和黑夜的相对长度的反应 (2) 春化作用是低温促进植物开花的作用 (3) Other signals such as total light radiation and water availability can also be important external cues The evolution of both internal (autonomous) and external (environment-sensing) control systems enables plants to precisely regulate flowering at the optimal time for reproductive success, 在植物的发育过程中 顶端分生组织顺序经历了三种发育阶段: (1) 幼年期(The juvenile phase) (2) 成年营养生长阶段(The adult vegetative phase,competent,具备态) (3) 成年生殖生长阶段(The adult repro
9、ductive phase,determined,决定态),3 幼年期转变为成年期的特点,FIGURE 25.9 Juvenile and adult forms of English ivy (Hedera helix). The juvenile form has lobed palmate leaves, a climbing growth habit, and no flowers. The adult form (projecting out to the right) has entire ovate leaves, an upright growth habit, and flowers that develop into fruits.,幼年期:掌状浅裂,成年期:卵圆形,3-2 幼年期和成年态的生理特点,生长速度快、新陈代谢旺盛、呼吸作用强、核酸和蛋白质合成都强。 进入成年期后,代谢和生理活动较慢,光合速率和呼吸速率都有所下降。,植物完成幼年期的营养生长阶段,进入成年期后,茎尖分生组织具备了感受适宜环境刺激的能力而可被诱导成花。,Competence and determination are two stages in floral evocation,(1) The juvenile phase (2) The adult vegetative phase (competent) (3) The adult reproductive phase (determined),一年四季冷暖有规律的变化,与日照长度有关。,纬度高的地区,夏季,昼长,夜短。 冬季,昼短,夜长。,4 成花诱导外因 1) 光周期现象:昼夜节律,光周期(photoperiod): 在一天内白天和黑夜的相对长度。 光周期现象(photoperiodism): 植物对白天和黑夜的相对长度的反应。 光周期对植物生长发育的影响: 开花、休眠、落叶;鳞茎、块茎、球茎的形成。,鸢尾属植物,秋麒麟草属植物,植物感受光周期的季节变化而开花,4-1 光周期反应的类型,按开花所需的日照长度可分为
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