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Using extracts of Pu-erh tea and several natural ingredients, a new compound beverage with exquisite sensory quality was developed.


Through Single-factor test was conducted to determine the effects of the addition of Pu-erh tea extract, rose cold extract, grape seed extract, hawthorn extract and wolfberry extract on the sensory quality of the composite beverages. Then, the response surface test was designed to optimize the ratio of the composite beverage, and the sensory score and antioxidant activity were evaluated.


The optimized beverage was made with extracts of Pu-erh tea at 14.1%, grape seed at 4.9%, hawthorn at 0.9%, wolfberry at 3%, and cold extract of rose at 3.2%. The newly developed beverage received a high sensory score of 85.6 with highly desirable antioxidant activities on scavenging DPPH radicals of 65.17±1.28% and on ABTS radicals of 98.78±0.15%.


The compound beverage of Pu-erh tea rose grape seed developed by this method has good flavor and good antioxidant activity.

图  1   普洱茶浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评价的影响


Figure  1.   Effect of Pu-erh tea extract on sensory quality of experimental beverage

Note: Data with different letters indicate significant difference at P<0.05. Same for Figs. 2-5.

图  2   玫瑰花冷萃液添加量对复合饮料感官评价的影响

Figure  2.   Effect of rose cold extract on sensory quality of experimental beverage

图  3   葡萄籽浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评价的影响

Figure  3.   Effect of grape seed extract on sensory quality of experimental beverage

图  4   山楂浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评价的影响

Figure  4.   Effect of hawthorn extract on sensory quality of experimental beverage

图  5   枸杞浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评价的影响

Figure  5.   Effect of wolfberry extract on sensory quality of experimental beverage

图  6   普洱茶浸提液和玫瑰花冷萃液添加量对复合饮料感官评分影响的响应曲面及等高线

Figure  6.   Response surface contour lines on sensory score of experimental beverage affected by Pu-erh tea extract and rose cold extract

图  7   普洱茶浸提液和葡萄籽浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评分影响的响应曲面及等高线

Figure  7.   Response surface contour lines on sensory score of experimental beverage affected by Pu-erh tea and grape seed extracts

图  8   普洱茶浸提液和山楂浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评分影响的响应曲面及等高线

Figure  8.   Response surface contour lines on sensory score of experimental beverage affected by Pu-erh tea and hawthorn extracts

图  9   玫瑰花冷萃液和葡萄籽浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评分影响的响应曲面及等高线

Figure  9.   Response surface contour lines on sensory score of experimental beverage affected by rose cold extract and grape seed extract

图  10   玫瑰花冷萃液和山楂浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评分影响的响应曲面及等高线

Figure  10.   Response surface contour lines on sensory score of experimental beverage affected by rose cold extract and hawthorn extract

图  11   葡萄籽浸提液和山楂浸提液添加量对复合饮料感官评分影响的响应曲面及等高线

Figure  11.   Response surface contour lines on sensory score of experimental beverage affected by grape seed and hawthorn extracts

表  1   Box-Behnken试验设计因素与水平

Table  1   Factors and levels in Box-Benhnken experiment

水平 Level因素 FactorA(普洱茶浸提液%)
Pu-erh tea extractB(玫瑰花冷萃液%)
Rose cold extractC(葡萄籽浸提液%)
Grape seed extractD(山楂浸提液%)
Hawthorn extract −110240.5015351120461.5

表  2   普洱茶玫瑰花葡萄籽复合饮料感官评价标准

Table  2   Sensory evaluation of pu-erh tea rose grape seed compound beverage

指标 Index评分标准 Standard for evaluation评分 Score 色泽

表  3   Box–Behnken设计及结果

Table  3   Design and results of Box-Behnken experiment

Empirical numberA普洱茶浸
A addition of
pu-erh tea extract/%B玫瑰花冷
B addition of rose cold extract/%C葡萄籽浸
C addition of grape seed extract/%D山楂浸提
D addition of
hawthorn extract/%感官评分
Sensory score描述
Description 100−1174红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸味明显2000085.2红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸甜适口3000085.4红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸甜适口410−1064.8深红偏暗、澄清透明、茶味明显、苦涩味重50−11066.8红亮、澄清透明、花香稍淡、涩味明显601−1075红亮、澄清透明、花香浓郁、滋味稍淡7011071.6红亮、澄清透明、花香浓郁、涩味明显8001168红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸涩味重9001−173.8红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、涩味明显100−10164.2红亮、澄清透明、花香稍淡、酸味明显11101061.6深红偏暗、澄清透明、茶味明显、苦涩味重120−1−1069.4红亮、澄清透明、花香稍淡、滋味稍淡13100−165深红偏暗、澄清透明、茶味明显、苦涩味重14010−178红亮、澄清透明、花香浓郁、滋味不够饱满15000084.8红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸甜适口16000083.4红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸甜适口170−10−168.6红亮、澄清透明、花香稍淡、滋味不够饱满18−110074.2棕红色、澄清透明、花香浓郁、滋味淡19010172红亮、澄清透明、花香浓郁、酸味明显20−100−173棕红色、澄清透明、花香明显、滋味淡21−101067.8棕红色、澄清透明、花香明显、涩味明显22−1−10068棕红色、澄清透明、花香稍淡、滋味淡23100161.2深红偏暗、澄清透明、茶味明显、苦涩酸重2400−1−174红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、滋味淡25000084.2红亮、澄清透明、花香明显、酸甜适口26−100169棕红色、澄清透明、花香明显、酸味明显27−10−1071.6棕红色、澄清透明、花香明显、滋味淡28110063.8深红偏暗、澄清透明、花香明显、苦涩味重291−10060.2深红偏暗、澄清透明、茶味明显、苦涩味重

表  4   回归模型方差分析结果

Table  4   Analysis of variance on regression model

Sum of squares自由度
Mean squareF值
F valueP值
P value显著性
Significance 模型 Model1531.9214109.4273.52<0.0001**A276.901276.90186.05<0.0001**B169.971169.97114.20<0.0001**C209.211209.21140.57<0.0001**D72.41172.4148.65<0.0001**AB1.6911.691.140.3046AC0.09010.0900.0600.8093AD0.01010.0100.00670.9358BC0.1610.160.110.7479BD0.6410.640.430.5226CD8.4118.415.650.0323*A2822.161822.16552.40<0.0001**B2346.451346.45232.78<0.0001**C2272.651272.65183.19<0.0001**D2248.001248.00166.63<0.0001**残差 Residual20.84141.49失拟项 Lack of Fit18.2101.822.760.1703纯误差 Pure Error2.6440.66总离差 Cor Total1552.7528 注:**表示影响极显著(P<0.01);*表示影响显著(P<0.05)。
Note: ** indicates a highly significant effect (P<0.01); * indicates a significant effect (P<0.05).

表  5   普洱茶玫瑰花葡萄籽复合饮料理化指标及微生物指标测定结果

Table  5   Detection results of physical and chemical indexes and microbial indexes of Pu-erh tea rose grape seed compound beverage

检测指标 Detection index含量 Content国标限量值 National standard limited value 茶褐素 Theabrownin(mg·kg−1)1132.90±15.82—茶多酚 Tea polyphenol(mg·kg−1)327.75±7.10≥150咖啡因 Caffeine(mg·kg−1)204.15±1.72≥25没食子酸 Gallic acid(mg·kg−1)18.10±0.02—多糖 Polysaccharide(mg·kg−1)214.47±1.45—黄酮 Flavone(mg·kg−1)39.26±1.71—大肠菌群数 E. Coil count(CFU·mL−1)<0.031霉菌和酵母 Total yeast and mold count(CFU·mL−1)<520总菌落数 Total Viable Count(CFU·mL−1)<5100

表  6   普洱茶玫瑰花葡萄籽复合饮料对2种自由基的清除率

Table  6   The scavenging rate of Pu-erh tea rose grape seed compound beverage against two kinds of oxygen radicals

SampleDPPH 自由基
DPPH free radical scavenging rateABTS自由基
ABTS free radical scavenging rate 复合饮料
Compound Beverage65.17±1.2898.78±0.15维生素C
(20 μg·mL−1)
Vitamin C80.41±0.6699.28±0.64 [1]

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